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Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014


Exodus 18:18 - "Thou wilt surely wear away, both thou, and this people that is with thee; for this thing is too heavy for you, you will not be able to do it alone. "

Being a perfectionist is not easy. The best result is to be expected, the seriousness of the matter should not be asked again. But the bad side, the time management of a perfectionist people really should get special attention if you do not want everything to be falling apart, or can even make a person at risk of experiencing health problems due to too memforsir power. People who are perfectionists tend to want to do it all alone because it is difficult to entrust the task to others. If it had subordinates, all must be examined carefully one by one so perfect.

Many employees who complain that happen to have the leadership of a perfectionist because it means they have to work extra, extra good seriously, aka extra hours of overtime, often need to be contacted at any time and be ready to revise, correct or change it as desired and perfectionist boss. If you include people who have such properties, then you would know how difficult it is to set the time that all goes according to expectations. 24 hours will be very less because all seems to be done alone.

If left to others it was difficult, because they are not necessarily as good as we can do. Desperate, had to sacrifice a lot of time as a time of rest, a time for family or if necessary, a time to pray, quiet time and worship time. I used to include one of them and to this day still sometimes struggle with the condition. I am often asked, how can some people who are capable of working on number of activities that are so much more than me but still have time for other things that are not important in life?

What is their secret so they can work in several areas at once, split time for family, exercise or even still have time to serve?

Of the many people like it that I asked, the average gives the same answer, namely our ability to divide time aka time management, prioritization and delegation are good. Three difficult it is owned by a perfectionist, but the condition is very important before consuming our health and ruin our lives. Destructive? Yes, destructive.

Good job, maximum results, but broken homes, the time to maintain the condition of the body to stay fit sacrificed, time to socialize trimmed so difficult to have friends, especially the relationship with the Creator would be tenuous or even cut off entirely. That happens because everything is lost priority, not ter-manage and habits to choose to do it all alone rather than share it with others.

This is the advice I have ever received. "You have to learn to believe in the work of others. Maybe not exactly as you'd expect, but not necessarily a worse outcome." Like that roughly said that I still remember to this day. Delegate. See which can be represented and what really should be done alone. Where are the priorities and what is the best management. It is the things that are important to be observed especially for us who are very busy.

Interestingly, we can learn about it from Moses and the law, Jethro. We know that Moses was chosen GOD directly to a large very heavy task, namely freeing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and was appointed to lead them reach the promised land which the Lord had promised to Abraham. Not one or two people who should he guided but the amount is very large, and it's not a bunch of people who submit and obey, but dissidents, impatient and stubborn.

It was not at all easy. In practice it is often the mouthpiece of Moses the Lord to convey instructions to the Israelites LORD which he commanded in the course of which take a very long time span. Given the heavy desk jobs, Moses seems too focused animates his job so he takes care of everything alone jump. Anything that he had to intervene directly, handle disputes, disputes, quarrels and so forth.

The number of people with a lot of common properties stubborn, we are able to ensure that the problem will very often show up there and so much variety and amount anyway. Moses intervened directly resolve themselves one by one, all by himself. It was clearly mentioned in the following verse: "The next day Moses sat to judge the people, and the people stood around Moses from morning till evening." Exodus 18:13

Moses acted alone become judges resolve disputes among the people of Israel who are hostile and noisy hobbies endlessly. When is the completion of that as it continues? If we were living, we can stress, high blood pressure and died young.

Moses-in-law, Jethro notice it and concerned to see the law. Although he knew that what Moses was a good thing, but it is not effective. He was asked "Is this what you do to the people? Why do you sit alone who, being all the people standing in front of you from morning till evening?" Exodus 18:14

Moses explained that as the Lord appointed, he must notify the statutes and decisions GOD to each person. True, but not as well as how. That's roughly the submitted Jethro. He said: "You will be very tired, both thou, and this people that is with thee: for this thing is too heavy for you, you will not be able to do it alone." Exodus 18:18

Jethro said that working with such a problem in managing the nation of Israel that so much is not good. Exodus 18:17. Then Jethro also gave advice to Moses, Moses gave a suggestion that could use a better strategy, structuring leadership will help Moses in resolving any problems more quickly, effectively and efficiently. "In addition, you look for all the people of the people who would fear GOD, people who can be trusted, and who hates bribes pursuit; their place the nation among the rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers fifties, and rulers of tens. and at times they have to judge the people: and all these great things must be confronted them to you, but every small matter they judged themselves, thereby easing their job, and they together with you also bear it. "Exodus 18:21-22

Jethro gave very good suggestion that Moses forming groups stratified by their respective leaders. It would be much easier for Moses to execute the command of the Lord. This is the earliest picture of the leadership structure recorded in the Bible. Fortunately, Moses is a humble person and willing to accept input. He did not refuse to listen to the advice and in-laws. "Moses obeyed the law and did everything he said." Exodus 18:24

Jethro was able to see first hand how the law system repair services involving competent people as co-workers before he went back to his country. Exodus 18:27 - "Then Moses-in-law let it go and he returned to his country."

What is also interesting, in one of the prayer of Moses later he asked the Lord to give him wisdom to be able to count the days. "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

Moses realized the importance of asking for wisdom so that he could divide and use the time as possible. Moses learned of law and for the better with the delegation, time management (counting today) and priority-setting with good structure. And we can certainly learn from there. What is important is to realize in advance that we will not be able to do it all alone.

We need to deal with many things in order to optimally utilize time. It may not be easy, but it must do to the results obtained could be better in many ways and we do not have to sacrifice a lot of things that would harm ourselves and our future. Paul also reminds us to use the time available as well as possible, because the real day-to-day that we've been through this is evil. Ephesians 5:16 - "And redeeming the time, because the days are evil."

Ability to manage time will be very closely related to our ability to delegate tasks. We will not be able to finish it all alone, and at the same time spend enough time for the family and for the Lord. If so how, going 100 hours a day is never enough. Calculate your skills, which you can do, which can be represented. Set priorities right and make sure not to overlap or disheveled.

Without it we would not be able to increase. Time is limited, but that does not mean not enough. We are limited, but that does not mean we should not go anywhere. Together with the Lord, have the wisdom to be able to formulate a good plan schedule and learn to entrust some of your burdens to others.

In many ways, that it will bring benefits to everyone else because they can learn and grow for the better anyway. It is not wrong to give the best results, it is actually a necessity. But that does not mean that we have to be a perfectionist 'stuck' without compromise. It was actually detrimental in the end.

Are you among those who today are being overwhelmed by the tasks because they feel must do everything alone and see that there are many other things outside of work that is dormant or crack here and there?
Fix it immediately before it's too late. Including the ability to delegate the best strategy in time management, AMEN.

Bless the LORD JESUS​​.

Perfeksionis 'Mentok'

Keluaran 18:18 — “ Engkau akan menjadi sangat lelah, baik engkau baik bangsa yang beserta engkau ini; sebab pekerjaan ini terlalu berat bagimu, takkan sanggup engkau melakukannya seorang diri saja.”

Menjadi seorang perfeksionis tidaklah mudah. Hasil terbaik memang bisa diharapkan, soal keseriusan jangan ditanya lagi. Tapi sisi buruknya, manajemen waktu dari orang-orang perfeksionis benar-benar harus mendapat perhatian khusus kalau tidak mau semuanya menjadi berantakan, atau malah bisa beresiko membuat orangnya mengalami gangguan kesehatan karena terlalu memforsir tenaga. Orang yang perfeksionis cenderung mau mengerjakan semuanya sendirian karena sulit mempercayakan tugas kepada orang lain. Kalaupun punya bawahan, semua harus diperiksa secara teliti satu persatu supaya sempurna.

Banyak karyawan yang mengeluh kalau kebetulan punya pimpinan perfeksionis karena itu artinya mereka harus bekerja ekstra, baik ekstra serius, ekstra jam alias lembur, sering pula harus bisa dihubungi kapan saja dan siap melakukan revisi, koreksi atau perubahan ini dan itu sesuai keinginan si bos perfeksionis. Jika anda termasuk orang yang punya sifat seperti itu, maka anda tentu tahu bagaimana sulitnya mengatur waktu agar semua berjalan sesuai ekspektasi. Waktu 24 jam akan terasa sangat kurang karena semua sepertinya harus dikerjakan sendiri.

Kalau diserahkan kepada orang lain rasanya sulit, karena belum tentu mereka bisa melakukannya sebaik kita. Kelabakan, harus mengorbankan banyak waktu seperti waktu beristirahat, waktu untuk keluarga atau kalau perlu, waktu berdoa, saat teduh dan waktu beribadah. Saya dulu termasuk satu diantaranya dan sampai hari ini masih terkadang bergumul dengan kondisi tersebut. Saya sering bertanya, bagaimana mungkin ada orang-orang yang sanggup mengerjakan jumlah kegiatan yang jauh lebih banyak dari saya tapi masih punya waktu untuk hal-hal lain yang sebenarnya tidak kalah penting dalam hidup ?

Apa rahasia mereka sehingga bisa bekerja di beberapa bidang sekaligus, membagi waktu untuk keluarga, berolahraga atau bahkan masih punya waktu untuk melayani ?

Dari sekian banyak orang seperti itu yang saya tanya, rata-rata memberi jawaban yang sama, yaitu kemampuan kita membagi waktu alias manajemen waktu, penetapan prioritas yang baik dan pendelegasian. Tiga hal ini sulit dimiliki oleh orang yang perfeksionis, tapi sangatlah penting sebelum kondisi tersebut memakan kesehatan kita dan merusak kehidupan kita. Merusak ? Ya, merusak.

Pekerjaan baik, hasil maksimal, tapi keluarga berantakan, waktu untuk menjaga kondisi tubuh agar tetap fit dikorbankan, waktu untuk bersosialisasi terpangkas sehingga sulit punya teman, terlebih hubungan dengan Sang Pencipta akan renggang atau bahkan terputus sama sekali. Itu terjadi karena semuanya kalah prioritas, tidak ter-manage dan kebiasaan untuk memilih mengerjakan semuanya sendirian ketimbang membaginya kepada orang lain.

Nasihat inilah yang pernah saya terima. "Anda harus belajar percaya kepada pekerjaan orang lain. Mungkin tidak persis seperti yang anda harapkan, tapi belum tentu hasilnya lebih buruk." Seperti itulah kira-kira katanya yang masih saya ingat sampai hari ini. Mendelegasikan. Melihat mana yang bisa diwakilkan dan mana yang benar-benar harus dilakukan sendiri. Mana yang menjadi prioritas dan seperti apa manajemen yang terbaik. Itu merupakan hal-hal yang penting untuk dicermati terlebih bagi kita yang sangat sibuk.

Menariknya, kita bisa belajar tentang hal ini dari Musa dan mertuanya, Yitro. Kita tahu bahwa Musa dipilih ALLAH secara langsung untuk sebuah tugas besar yang sangat berat, yaitu membebaskan bangsa Israel dari perbudakan di Mesir dan ditunjuk untuk menuntun mereka mencapai tanah terjanji yang telah dijanjikan TUHAN kepada Abraham. Bukan satu-dua orang yang harus ia tuntun tapi jumlahnya sangat besar, dan bukan pula sekumpulan orang yang tunduk dan taat, tapi pembangkang, tidak sabaran dan keras kepala.

Itu sama sekali tidak mudah. Dalam prakteknya Musa kerap menjadi penyambung lidah TUHAN untuk menyampaikan petunjuk-petunjuk TUHAN kepada seluruh orang Israel yang ia pimpin dalam perjalanan yang menempuh rentang waktu sangat lama. Mengingat job desk yang berat itu, tampaknya Musa terlalu fokus menjiwai tugasnya sehingga ia langsung terjun mengurus segalanya sendirian. Apa-apa ia yang harus turun tangan langsung, menangani perselisihan, pertikaian, pertengkaran dan sebagainya.

Jumlah orang yang banyak dengan sifat umum keras kepala, kita sudah bisa memastikan bahwa masalah akan sangat sering muncul disana dan sangat banyak pula ragam dan jumlahnya. Musa pun turun tangan langsung menyelesaikan sendiri satu persatu, all by himself. Itu jelas disebutkan dalam ayat berikut : "Keesokan harinya duduklah Musa mengadili di antara bangsa itu; dan bangsa itu berdiri di depan Musa, dari pagi sampai petang." Keluaran 18:13

Musa bertindak sendirian menjadi hakim mengatasi perselisihan yang terjadi di antara sesama orang Israel yang memang hobi berseteru dan ribut tanpa ada habisnya. Kapan selesainya kalau seperti itu terus ? Kalau kita yang menjalani, kita bisa stres, darah tinggi dan mati muda.

Mertua Musa, Yitro memperhatikan hal tersebut dan prihatin melihat menantunya. Meski ia tahu bahwa apa yang dilakukan Musa itu merupakan hal yang baik, tapi itu tidaklah efektif. Dia pun menanyakan "Apakah ini yang kau lakukan kepada bangsa itu? Mengapakah engkau seorang diri saja yang duduk, sedang seluruh bangsa itu berdiri di depanmu dari pagi sampai petang?" Keluaran 18:14

Musa menjelaskan bahwa sebagai yang ditunjuk TUHAN, ia harus memberitahukan ketetapan dan keputusan ALLAH kepada masing-masing orang. Benar, tapi bukan begitu juga caranya. Itulah kira-kira yang disampaikan Yitro. Katanya: "Engkau akan menjadi sangat lelah, baik engkau baik bangsa yang beserta engkau ini; sebab pekerjaan ini terlalu berat bagimu, takkan sanggup engkau melakukannya seorang diri saja." Keluaran 18:18

Yitro mengatakan bahwa bekerja sendirian seperti itu dalam mengelola masalah bangsa Israel yang begitu banyak adalah tidak baik. Keluaran 18:17. Lalu Yitro pun memberi masukan kepada Musa, memberi usulan agar Musa bisa memakai strategi yang lebih baik, menyusun struktur kepemimpinan yang akan bisa membantu Musa dalam menyelesaikan setiap permasalahan secara lebih cepat, efektif dan efisien. "Di samping itu kau carilah dari seluruh bangsa itu orang-orang yang cakap dan takut akan ALLAH, orang-orang yang dapat dipercaya, dan yang benci kepada pengejaran suap; tempatkanlah mereka di antara bangsa itu menjadi pemimpin seribu orang, pemimpin seratus orang, pemimpin lima puluh orang dan pemimpin sepuluh orang. Dan sewaktu-waktu mereka harus mengadili di antara bangsa; maka segala perkara yang besar haruslah dihadapkan mereka kepadamu, tetapi segala perkara yang kecil diadili mereka sendiri; dengan demikian mereka meringankan pekerjaanmu, dan mereka bersama-sama dengan engkau turut menanggungnya." Keluaran 18:21-22

Yitro memberi usulan yang sangat baik agar Musa membentuk kelompok-kelompok yang bertingkat dengan pemimpin masing-masing. Itu tentu akan jauh lebih mempermudah Musa dalam menjalankan perintah TUHAN. Inilah gambaran struktur kepemimpinan terawal yang dicatat dalam Alkitab. Untunglah Musa merupakan pribadi yang rendah hati dan mau menerima masukan. Ia tidak menolak dan mendengarkan nasihat mertuanya. "Musa mendengarkan perkataan mertuanya itu dan dilakukannyalah segala yang dikatakannya." Keluaran 18:24

Yitro pun bisa melihat langsung bagaimana menantunya memperbaiki sistem pelayanannya dengan melibatkan orang-orang yang cakap sebagai rekan sekerja sebelum ia pulang kembali ke negerinya. Keluaran 18:27 — “ Kemudian Musa membiarkan mertuanya itu pergi dan ia pulang ke negerinya."

Yang juga menarik, dalam salah satu doa Musa di kemudian hari ia meminta TUHAN memberi hikmat kepadanya untuk mampu menghitung hari-hari. "Ajarlah kami menghitung hari-hari kami sedemikian, hingga kami beroleh hati yang bijaksana." Mazmur 90:12

Musa menyadari pentingnya meminta hikmat agar ia bisa membagi dan memanfaatkan waktu sebaik mungkin. Musa belajar dari mertuanya dan menjadi lebih baik dengan pendelegasian, manajemen waktu (menghitung hari) dan penetapan skala prioritas dengan struktur yang baik. Kita pun tentu bisa belajar dari sana. Apa yang penting adalah menyadari terlebih dahulu bahwa kita tidak akan sanggup mengerjakan semuanya sendirian.

Kita perlu menyiasati banyak hal agar bisa memanfaatkan waktu secara optimal. Mungkin tidak mudah, tetapi itu harus kita lakukan agar hasil yang diperoleh bisa lebih baik lagi dalam banyak hal dan kita tidak harus mengorbankan banyak hal yang justru akan merugikan diri dan masa depan kita. Paulus juga sudah mengingatkan kita untuk mempergunakan waktu yang ada sebaik-baiknya, karena sesungguhnya hari-hari yang kita lalui ini adalah jahat. Efesus 5:16 — “ Dan pergunakanlah waktu yang ada, karena hari-hari ini adalah jahat."

Kemampuan memanajemen waktu akan sangat berkaitan erat dengan kemampuan kita mendelegasikan tugas-tugas. Kita tidak akan bisa menyelesaikan semuanya sendirian, dan disaat yang sama meluangkan waktu yang cukup untuk keluarga dan untuk TUHAN. Kalau begitu caranya, mau 100 jam sehari pun tidak akan pernah cukup. Hitung kemampuan anda, mana yang bisa anda lakukan, mana yang bisa diwakilkan. Atur skala prioritas dengan benar dan pastikan tidak tumpang tindih atau acak-acakan.

Tanpa itu kita tidak akan bisa mengalami peningkatan. Waktu memang terbatas, tapi bukan berarti tidak cukup. Kita terbatas, tetapi bukan berarti kita harus jalan di tempat. Bersama TUHAN, milikilah hikmat untuk bisa menyusun jadwal perencanaan yang baik dan belajarlah untuk mempercayakan sebagian dari beban-beban anda kepada orang lain.

Dalam banyak hal, itu justru akan mendatangkan manfaat bagi orang lain karena mereka bisa belajar dan bertumbuh untuk lebih baik pula. Tidaklah salah untuk memberi hasil terbaik, itu malah sebuah keharusan. Tapi bukan berarti untuk itu kita harus menjadi perfeksionis 'mentok' tanpa kompromi. Itu justru merugikan pada akhirnya.

Apakah anda termasuk orang yang hari ini sedang kelabakan dengan tugas-tugas karena merasa harus mengerjakan semuanya sendirian dan melihat bahwa ada banyak hal lain diluar pekerjaan yang terbengkalai atau retak sana sini ?
Perbaiki segera sebelum terlambat. Kemampuan mendelegasikan termasuk strategi terbaik dalam manajemen waktu, AMIN.

TUHAN YESUS Memberkati.

Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

Become a mighty Hero

Jeremiah 20:11 - "But the Lord is with me like a warrior, because it's the people who chase I will stumble and fall and they can not do anything about it. They will be embarrassed, because they are not successful, a stain forever not forgotten!

Word has 2 senses:
1. Logos are written verse, we read, we hear and we memorized
2. Rhema is the Word that must be true. We not only look forward to the promise of receiving the promise of the Word but the Word.

The Old Testament contains prophecies concerning the birth of Christ is the Logos who became Rhema in the New Testament time of birth, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. demons are entering the minds of believers and thwart Rhema so we can not be a hero. Like Gideon, valiant heroes who fight the enemy with only 300 people but are found in grape threshing. Threshing wine is where old people work, not a place young people. Gideon was hiding there because of fear. It makes people believe could be a hero:

1. Who are we in the Lord:

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, which ye have the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, and ye are not your own 1 Corinthians 6:19

We know there is a Holy Spirit in us and we have the power. The problem, "and ye are not your own." Our mistake is we are still living our own, not belonging to the Holy Spirit. We're still in control of the Holy Spirit, not the Holy Spirit that we control.

YOU have persuaded me, O Lord, and I had let myself be persuaded; YOU are too strong for me and YOU beat me. I have become a laughingstock all day, all they derided me. Jeremiah 20:7. Jeremiah 11 verse before it complains. His position as a prophet of GOD made ​​him depressed. He will be scorned and mocked the man. Though we are all here is not our own choice but GOD himself who chose us. John 15:6 - "If anyone does not abide in me, he is thrown away like a branch and become dry, then collected and thrown into the fire and burned." We must become true worshipers. Worshipers will worship the true spirit and truth. So let the Holy Spirit who leads our lives completely.

2. What have we got?

A hero has a weapon. What are the weapons we? Our weapons are the name of the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST. If we have the Holy Spirit, we must be sure of the name of the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST. Wherever, wherever, do not be afraid because the Lord Jesus is with us.

"Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask and ye shall receive, that your joy may be filled." John 16:24
Colossians 3:17 - "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, with thanksgiving by HIM to GOD, our FATHER."
We must dare to step in the name of JESUS​​. When we start everything with the Lord Jesus Christ, what we never saw it that the Lord has prepared for us. Perform only important in the name of the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST.

3. What is our goal?

Paul said in Philippians 1:20, because that is very missed and I was expecting is that I will in no way be ashamed, but as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by my death. Our purpose is simply to glorify the Lord, glorify the Lord with our bodies.

How do I glorify the Lord and love the Lord?
You did not choose me, but I who chose you. And I have appointed you, that ye should go and bear fruit, fruit that remains, so what do you ask the Father in my name, he hath given thee. This is MY command you: Love one another. "John 15:16-17

We love because GOD first loved us. If someone says: "I love GOD," and hates his brother, he is a liar, because who does not love his brother whom he has seen, can not love GOD, which is not seen. 1 John 4:19-20

Bless the LORD JESUS

Menjadi Pahlawan Yang Gagah Perkasa

Yeremia 20:11 — “ Tetapi TUHAN menyertai aku seperti pahlawan yang gagah, sebab itu orang-orang yang mengejar aku akan tersandung jatuh dan mereka tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa. Mereka akan menjadi malu sekali, sebab mereka tidak berhasil, suatu noda yang selama-lamanya tidak terlupakan!
Firman memiliki 2 pengertian :
1. Logos yaitu ayat yang tertulis, yang kita baca, kita dengar maupun kita hafal
2. Rhema yaitu Firman yang harus menjadi kenyataan. Kita bukan hanya berharap kepada janji Firman tapi menerima janji Firman itu.
Perjanjian Lama yang berisi nubuatan tentang kelahiran Mesias merupakan Logos yang menjadi Rhema di Perjanjian Baru saat kelahiran, kematian dan kebangkitan TUHAN YESUS KRISTUS. iblis banyak memasuki pikiran kita orang percaya dan menggagalkan Rhema sehingga kita tidak bisa menjadi pahlawan. Seperti Gideon, pahlawan gagah berani yang melawan musuh hanya dengan 300 orang tapi didapati berada di pengirikan anggur. Pengirikan anggur merupakan tempat orang yang sudah tua bekerja, bukan tempat orang muda. Gideon bersembunyi di sana karena ketakutannya. Hal yang membuat orang percaya bisa menjadi pahlawan:
1. Siapakah kita di dalam TUHAN :
Atau tidak tahukah kamu, bahwa tubuhmu adalah bait ROH KUDUS yang diam di dalam kamu, ROH KUDUS yang kamu peroleh dari ALLAH, dan bahwa kamu bukan milik kamu sendiri 1 Korintus 6:19
Kita tahu ada ROH KUDUS di dalam kita dan kita memiliki kuasa. Yang menjadi permasalahan,“ dan kamu bukan milik kamu sendiri.” Kesalahan kita adalah hidup kita masih milik kita sendiri, bukan milik ROH KUDUS. Kita masih mengendalikan ROH KUDUS, bukan ROH KUDUS yang mengendalikan kita.
ENGKAU telah membujuk aku, ya TUHAN, dan aku telah membiarkan diriku dibujuk; ENGKAU terlalu kuat bagiku dan ENGKAU menundukkan aku. Aku telah menjadi tertawaan sepanjang hari, semuanya mereka mengolok-olokkan aku. Yeremia 20:7. Yeremia sebelum ayat 11 itu mengeluh. Jabatannya sebagai nabi ALLAH membuatnya tertekan. Dia menjadi tertawaan dan diolok-olok orang. Padahal kita semua ada di sini bukan pilihan kita sendiri tapi ALLAH sendiri yang memilih kita. Yohanes 15:6 — “ Barangsiapa tidak tinggal di dalam AKU, ia dibuang ke luar seperti ranting dan menjadi kering, kemudian dikumpulkan orang dan dicampakkan ke dalam api lalu dibakar." Kita harus menjadi penyembah-penyembah yang benar. Penyembah yang benar akan menyembah dalam roh dan kebenaran. Jadi biarkan ROH KUDUS yang memimpin hidup kita sepenuhnya.
2. Apa yang kita punya ?
Seorang pahlawan memiliki senjata. Apa yang menjadi senjata kita ? Senjata kita adalah nama TUHAN YESUS KRISTUS. Kalau kita memiliki ROH KUDUS, kita harus yakin dengan nama TUHAN YESUS KRISTUS. Kemanapun, dimanapun, jangan takut karena TUHAN YESUS bersama dengan kita.
"Sampai sekarang kamu belum meminta sesuatupun dalam nama-KU. Mintalah maka kamu akan menerima, supaya penuhlah sukacitamu." Yohanes 16:24
Kolose 3:17 — “Dan segala sesuatu yang kamu lakukan dengan perkataan atau perbuatan, lakukanlah semuanya itu dalam nama TUHAN YESUS, sambil mengucap syukur oleh DIA kepada ALLAH, BAPA kita."
Kita harus berani melangkah dalam nama YESUS. Ketika kita memulai segala sesuatu dengan TUHAN YESUS KRISTUS, apa yang tidak pernah kita lihat itu yang TUHAN siapkan bagi kita. Lakukan saja yang penting di dalam nama TUHAN YESUS KRISTUS.
3. Apa tujuan kita ?
Paulus berkata dalam Filipi 1:20, Sebab yang sangat kurindukan dan kuharapkan ialah bahwa aku dalam segala hal tidak akan beroleh malu, melainkan seperti sediakala, demikianpun sekarang, KRISTUS dengan nyata dimuliakan di dalam tubuhku, baik oleh hidupku, maupun oleh matiku. Tujuan kita hanyalah untuk memuliakan TUHAN, muliakan TUHAN dengan tubuh kita.
Bagaimana cara memuliakan TUHAN dan mengasihi TUHAN ?
Bukan kamu yang memilih AKU, tetapi AKUlah yang memilih kamu. Dan AKU telah menetapkan kamu, supaya kamu pergi dan menghasilkan buah dan buahmu itu tetap, supaya apa yang kamu minta kepada BAPA dalam nama-KU, diberikan-NYA kepadamu. Inilah perintah-KU kepadamu: Kasihilah seorang akan yang lain." Yohanes 15:16-17
Kita mengasihi, karena ALLAH lebih dahulu mengasihi kita. Jikalau seorang berkata: “AKU mengasihi ALLAH," dan ia membenci saudaranya, maka ia adalah pendusta, karena barangsiapa tidak mengasihi saudaranya yang dilihatnya, tidak mungkin mengasihi ALLAH, yang tidak dilihatnya. 1 Yohanes 4:19-20
TUHAN YESUS Memberkati

Kamis, 26 Juni 2014

► Barriers views

Luke 24:16 - "But there is something blocking their eyes, so they can not know Him." 

Perhaps because of spending a lot of time in front of the laptop, the eyes can become nearsighted. if the eyes had become nearsighted have to use glasses in order to see objects near or writing. Without the glasses then the view will be blurred. There are times when glasses fogged so if it does not wipe the pandanganpun disturbed. Disorders seen not only as the eyes are having problems, but also when the view is blocked by something. For example, if closed either by hand, handkerchief and so on, or when there are objects that block just opposite the direction of the eye so that the object can no longer be seen. Eyes function best, unobstructed view when we are no longer able to see what is in front though still within sight. 

Unobstructed view can be experienced not only physically on the eyes but we also get to experience it spiritually. Examples like this. We know the Lord is, but we are not able to see the figure of the Lord and His love and goodness correctly. We know the greatness of the power of the Lord is not limited in helping us, but we can not see it as a truth to be believed by faith. We will know His statutes, what is forbidden, but we tolerate it by assuming that the LORD does not see us being completes. We feel reminded of the Lord, but we doubt and assume it was probably just feeling alone. Or we've continued to pray but it seems to ignore the essence of the Lord, there is something blocking the view of our faith so that we too then feel free to live without answers, or feel discouraged, no longer have the spirit and hope. Ironically, the barrier does not always have to be something big. It is very small even if not careful can close our eyes of the LORD. 

A tale of apparitions of Jesus Christ after His death on the cross following describe it. Just three days left of the disciples of Jesus Christ. Three days is a very short time. Take for example, if your relatives or close friends went for three days, you would still not know them when you return? It would be very strange if you forget who they are and suddenly do not know anymore. But that's what happened to the disciples. After three days the Lord Jesus was crucified, when two students at a Jesus Christ was walking towards a village located approximately 11 kilometers from Jerusalem. While busy running them to talk about what happened. At that time they most likely were confused, upset, anxious and may not know what to do, unsteady see what happens. Confusing news about the loss of the Lord Jesus from the dead corpse. Are the bodies LORD JESUS ​​kidnapped or rise as the testimony of several women who met with the news that the angel messenger. They might be getting desperate, disappointed and sad, or even may fear the same fate. Scared, upset, worried, confused, raging all together. 

The Bible records something interesting after that. "When they're having a conversation and exchange ideas, Jesus himself came near them, and walk together with them." Luke 24:15 

JESUS ​​CHRIST suddenly appeared right next to them! Figure that protect them and fill them with the truth of the Kingdom of GOD is near them only a distance of three days. Should they gave a start, cheered and welcomed Jesus Christ with great joy. But it turns out that's not what happened. What happens is that they did not know Jesus Christ. How is it possible? The Bible mentions the reason. "But there is something blocking their eyes, so they can not know Him." Luke 24:16 

The Bible says, there is something blocking their eyes, and it makes them not able to recognize the Lord Jesus. There are thick and dark clouds that covered their eyes so they can not see the Light. They had not even realized when the Lord Jesus had rebuked them and explaining the prophecies written about Him in the prophets. Luke 24:25-27 - "Then he said to them:" O ye fools, how slow your heart, so you can not believe everything that has been said to the prophets! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and enter into His glory ? "Then IA explained to them the things about himself in all the scriptures, from the books of Moses and all the prophets. "

Until there was they still do not know Jesus Christ. It was only when they arrived in the village and the Lord Jesus took bread and broke while berkatlah say they realize that people who walked with them earlier turned out to Jesus Christ. Imagine traveling 11 kilometers in length in their not being aware that the talk about the Lord Jesus that they turn out to be among them. Confusion, doubt, disappointment, sadness, or fear of obstructing them, making them do not recognize Jesus Christ, even though the Lord Jesus was right with them. 

When we struggle with the problems of life, pressure, problems, struggles or burdens, we can experience the same thing as the disciples of Jesus on top. We can no longer hear or recognize the Lord again as we know it in advance. We forget what love and kindness of the Lord, we begin to doubt it all even doubted His existence in our midst. When the road we've been through so many twists and likunya, we were no longer believe that the Lord has provided all good at the end of the road. Then we despair, lose hope, and began to accuse the Lord does not keep promises, instead it could be, we then fall into a range of alternatives that mislead and destroy. Though the error is not in the Lord. The problem is in our view the closed burden of suffering that is too big so they no longer recognize the HIS. Even after hearing the word of the Lord though, the people who focus entirely only to the problems and heavy loads are no longer able to feel anything, because it has already thick cloud over their minds. 

The Lord has promised never to leave us as we read in Joshua 1:5: "... as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not leave you nor forsake you", and the Lord will always His faithful promises. When he says, "Come to Me, all who weary and heavy laden, I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28), it was not going to break HER. 

Is there something that makes you no longer recognize HIS today, blocking your view of the goodness, great love, His power and faithfulness? That could be a problem that does not seem to have an answer, restlessness, anxiety about something, the pain suffered, or may also be a variety of tough meat temptation we resist. All that could be a barrier to the Lord our view. 

Therefore, we must ensure that the correct focus our view of looking forward free of any bulkhead that impede or restrict it. In order to continue to see and know the Lord we must have a clean view of all obstacles obstructing us. Let's get rid of all the gray clouds, and have a clear view of the direction of the Lord and get to know and have faith in all the promises of His return. Negative things can block the view to see the goodness and love of the Lord. 

► Sin as a barrier 

"Ah you're already being called still do not see." As it was my friend said one time when I accidentally met him in the crowd. At that time there were many people passing by and I'm not even see anybody concentration because it does not think will meet with people I know. He said that he had seen me from afar. I walked toward him, but I do not see it. Even when he had started calling and waving my hands still unconscious. Until he comes right in front of me, then I saw it. Eye works, events in bright daylight, but when the view is blocked by many things including due to being out of focus, we can fail to see the real thing is right in front of us. 

Many people are disappointed because they think the Lord to the Lord does not hear them or do not answer their queries when they are in trouble. True, sometimes the problems of our time with the Lord's time it was different. Word of the Lord has declared that: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so high-road ways and designs of KU-KU from rancanganmu." Isaiah 55:9 

The distance between the earth and the sky is very long, it shows us the limitations in knowing the plans of the Lord in our lives. The time that we consider the best is not necessarily the best in the eyes of the Lord. While we must acknowledge that the Lord is certainly the most out of what is best for His human creation. And what is the Lord made ​​everything beautiful in its time as it is written in Ecclesiastes 3:11. Or maybe what we are asking for is something wrong, useless or even potentially damaging to us, it would not have answered the LORD. His Word says: "When you ask, you do not receive anything, because you're wrong to pray, for ye shall ask that you may spend it on your pleasures." (John 4:3). Both may be the cause of yet or not the arrival of the outstretched hand of the Lord to answer our prayers. But there is one thing that should also be cautious, and make sure we're not free entrenched within us, namely SIN. Allowed to continue in sin that we really can hinder or even sever our relationship with the Lord. And if that's the case then we can knock on a lot of issues. 

Sin can hinder the connection of our Lord on His throne of the Most Holy. We must ensure that there is no true evil that we save, there is no sin that we hide in ourselves again. Sin can hinder the relationship between us and the Lord, so that HE did not hear and answer our prayers. It is mentioned in the book of Isaiah. It reads: "Behold, the Lord's hand is not long enough to save, and His hearing not less sharp to hear: but that is a barrier between you and GOD is wicked ways, and that makes Him hide themselves from you, so that IA did not hear, is all your sins. "Isaiah 59:1-2 

The Lord is never too busy or not able to save us. The Lord never did care or indifferent. The Lord is not deaf. Which is often the case, the sins that exist within us and not taken care of, whether we realize it or not turns out to be a barrier to the connection of our Lord. 

There are many people who think that they can hide sin neatly so that could deceive the Lord. It was obvious fallacy, because let us keep it as tidy as any, the Lord will always know and it could be a barrier for us to receive the blessing and salvation of the LORD. 

Solomon said: "He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy. Blessed are those who always fear the LORD, but those who hardens his heart will fall into calamity." Proverbs 28:13-14 

Therefore we must diligently examine ourselves and heart or if it finds that sin still live, with the immediate care of everything. Confess and repent sincerely, and determined not to repeat them. The Lord Jesus warned the same thing anyway. Let's see John 5 about the story of Jesus Christ when visiting a pool called Bethesda and heal the thirty-eight-year illness. After the man was healed, the Lord Jesus told him: "You have been healed; sin no more, lest anything worse happen." (John 5:14). Like any sin, whether big or small should be resolved, so it does not become a recognized barrier between us and the Lord. 

We may feel that we are living entirely true, but remain diligent checking yourself, because there may be barriers that although considered small but apparently blocking our relationship with the Lord. We may already know the Lord, know His personal, but sin can hinder and keep us from HIS and ultimately bring disaster. Do not give the slightest tolerance for sin, because either large or small the sin is still sin that can be prohibitive. 

In Galatians says: "A little leaven leavens the whole lump." (Galatians 5:9). Therefore, always remember the message the LORD JESUS​​: "Therefore see to it that the light in you is not darkness." Matthew 12:35 

Get rid of immediately sins that keep us with the Lord, so that we can remain fully connected with the Lord without any distractions. Sin how its size and any shape or reason sin can still cut our relationship with the Lord, AMEN. 

Bless the LORD JESUS​​.

► Penghalang Pandangan

Lukas 24:16 — “ Tetapi ada sesuatu yang menghalangi mata mereka, sehingga mereka tidak dapat mengenal DIA.”

Mungkin karena menghabiskan banyak waktu di depan laptop, mata bisa menjadi rabun dekat. jika mata sudah menjadi rabun dekat harus menggunakan kacamata agar bisa melihat benda-benda atau tulisan yang dekat. Tanpa kacamata maka pandangan akan kabur. Ada kalanya kacamata berkabut sehingga jika tidak dilap maka pandanganpun terganggu. Gangguan melihat bukan saja karena mata mengalami masalah, tapi juga ketika pandangan terhalang oleh sesuatu. Misalnya apabila ditutup baik dengan tangan, saputangan dan sebagainya, atau saat ada benda yang memblokir arah mata sehingga benda diseberangnya tidak lagi bisa dilihat. Sebaik-baiknya mata berfungsi, apabila pandangan terhalang maka kita tidak lagi bisa melihat apa yang ada di depan meski masih berada dalam jarak pandang.

Pandangan yang terhalang bukan saja bisa dialami secara fisik pada mata tapi kita juga bisa mengalami itu secara spiritual. Contohnya begini. Kita tahu TUHAN ada, tetapi kita tidak mampu melihat sosok TUHAN dan kasih serta kebaikan-NYA secara benar. Kita tahu akan kebesaran kuasa TUHAN yang tidak terbatas dalam menolong kita, tapi kita tidak bisa melihat itu sebagai sebuah kebenaran yang bisa dipercaya dengan iman. Kita tahu akan ketetapan-NYA, apa yang dilarang, tapi kita mentolerir itu dengan menganggap bahwa TUHAN sedang meleng tidak melihat kita. Kita merasa diingatkan TUHAN, tapi kita ragu dan menganggap itu mungkin cuma perasaan saja. Atau kita sudah terus berdoa tapi sepertinya TUHAN mengabaikan Intinya, ada sesuatu yang menghalangi pandangan iman kita sehingga kita pun lalu ragu hidup tanpa jawaban, atau merasa putus asa, tidak lagi punya semangat dan harapan. Ironisnya, penghalang itu tidak selalu harus sesuatu yang besar. Hal yang sangat kecil sekalipun jika tidak hati-hati bisa menutup pandangan kita dari TUHAN.

Sebuah kisah penampakan YESUS KRISTUS setelah kematian-NYA di atas kayu salib berikut menggambarkan hal itu. Baru saja tiga hari YESUS KRISTUS meninggalkan para murid. Tiga hari adalah waktu yang sangat singkat. Ambil contoh apabila saudara atau teman dekat anda pergi selama tiga hari, anda tentu masih mengenal mereka ketika kembali bukan ? Akan sangat aneh jika anda lupa siapa mereka dan tiba-tiba tidak kenal lagi. Tapi itulah yang terjadi atas para murid. Setelah tiga hari TUHAN YESUS disalibkan, pada suatu ketika dua murid YESUS KRISTUS sedang berjalan menuju sebuah kampung yang letaknya kurang lebih 11 kilometer dari Yerusalem. Sembari berjalan mereka sibuk membicarakan apa yang terjadi. Pada saat itu mereka kemungkinan besar sedang bingung, kalut, mungkin cemas dan tidak tahu harus berbuat apa, goyah melihat apa yang terjadi. Berita simpang siur mengenai hilangnya mayat TUHAN YESUS dari kubur. Apakah mayat TUHAN YESUS diculik atau bangkit seperti kesaksian beberapa perempuan yang bertemu dengan malaikat penyampai kabar itu. Mereka mungkin mulai putus asa, kecewa dan sedih, atau malah mungkin ketakutan akan mengalami nasib yang sama. Takut, kalut, kuatir, bingung, semua berkecamuk jadi satu.

Alkitab mencatat sesuatu yang menarik setelahnya. "Ketika mereka sedang bercakap-cakap dan bertukar pikiran, datanglah YESUS sendiri mendekati mereka, lalu berjalan bersama-sama dengan mereka." Lukas 24:15

YESUS KRISTUS tiba-tiba muncul tepat disamping mereka! Sosok yang mengayomi mereka dan mengisi mereka dengan kebenaran Kerajaan ALLAH ada di dekat mereka hanya jarak tiga hari. Harusnya mereka tersentak kaget, bersorak dan menyambut YESUS KRISTUS dengan sangat gembira. Tapi ternyata bukan itu kejadiannya. Yang terjadi adalah mereka ternyata tidak mengenal YESUS KRISTUS. Bagaimana mungkin? Alkitab menyebutkan alasannya. "Tetapi ada sesuatu yang menghalangi mata mereka, sehingga mereka tidak dapat mengenal DIA." Lukas 24:16

Alkitab berkata, ada sesuatu yang menghalangi mata mereka, dan itu membuat mereka tidak bisa mengenali TUHAN YESUS. Ada awan tebal dan gelap yang menutupi pandangan mereka sehingga mereka tidak bisa melihat Terang. Mereka bahkan belum juga sadar saat TUHAN YESUS sudah menegur mereka dan menjelaskan nubuatan-nubuatan yang tertulis tentang DIA dalam kitab nabi-nabi. Lukas 24:25-27 — “Lalu IA berkata kepada mereka: "Hai kamu orang bodoh, betapa lambannya hatimu, sehingga kamu tidak percaya segala sesuatu, yang telah dikatakan para nabi! Bukankah Mesias harus menderita semuanya itu untuk masuk ke dalam kemuliaan-NYA?" Lalu IA menjelaskan kepada mereka apa yang tertulis tentang DIA dalam seluruh Kitab Suci, mulai dari kitab-kitab Musa dan segala kitab nabi-nabi."

Sampai disitu pun mereka masih belum mengenal YESUS KRISTUS. Baru ketika mereka tiba di kampung dan TUHAN YESUS mengambil roti dan memecah-mecahkan sambil mengucap berkatlah mereka menyadari bahwa orang yang berjalan bersama mereka sejak tadi ternyata YESUS KRISTUS. Bayangkan dalam perjalanan 11 kilometer panjangnya mereka tidak kunjung menyadari bahwa TUHAN YESUS yang mereka perbincangkan ternyata ada ditengah-tengah mereka. Kebingungan, keraguan, kekecewaan, kesedihan, atau ketakutan menutupi pandangan mereka, membuat mereka tidak mengenali YESUS KRISTUS, meski TUHAN YESUS berada tepat bersama mereka.

Ketika kita bergumul dengan berbagai permasalahan kehidupan, tekanan, masalah, pergumulan atau beban-beban, kita pun bisa mengalami hal yang sama seperti murid-murid YESUS di atas. Kita bisa tidak lagi mendengar atau mengenali TUHAN lagi seperti yang kita kenal sebelumnya. Kita lupa seperti apa kasih dan kebaikan TUHAN, kita mulai meragukan itu semua bahkan meragukan keberadaan-NYA di tengah-tengah kita. Ketika jalan yang kita lalui begitu banyak liku-likunya, kita pun tidak lagi percaya bahwa TUHAN telah menyediakan segala kebaikan di ujung jalan itu. Lalu kita putus asa, kehilangan harapan, dan mulai menuduh TUHAN tidak menepati janji, malah bisa jadi, kita kemudian jatuh ke dalam berbagai alternatif yang menyesatkan dan membinasakan. Padahal kesalahan bukanlah di pihak TUHAN. Masalah ada pada pandangan kita yang tertutup beban penderitaan yang terlalu besar sehingga tidak lagi mengenali-NYA. Bahkan setelah mendengar firman TUHAN sekalipun, orang-orang yang fokus sepenuhnya hanya kepada permasalahan dan beban berat tidak lagi bisa merasakan apapun, sebab awan tebal itu telah terlanjur menutupi hati mereka.

TUHAN sudah berjanji tidak akan pernah meninggalkan kita seperti yang bisa kita baca dalam Yosua 1:5: "...seperti AKU menyertai Musa, demikianlah AKU akan menyertai engkau; AKU tidak akan membiarkan engkau dan tidak akan meninggalkan engkau", dan TUHAN akan selalu setia akan janji-NYA. Ketika DIA berkata "Marilah kepada-KU, semua yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, AKU akan memberi kelegaan kepadamu" (Matius 11:28), itu pun tidak akan DIA langgar.

Adakah sesuatu yang membuat anda tidak lagi mengenali-NYA hari ini, menghalangi pandangan anda akan kebaikan, besar kasih, kuasa dan kesetiaan-NYA ? Itu bisa berupa permasalahan yang sepertinya tidak punya jawaban, gelisah, rasa cemas akan sesuatu, sakit yang diderita, atau mungkin pula berbagai godaan daging yang sulit kita tolak. Semua itu bisa menjadi penghalang pandangan kita kepada TUHAN.

Oleh karena itu kita harus memastikan betul bahwa fokus pandangan kita dalam memandang ke depan bebas dari segala sekat yang merintangi atau membatasinya. Agar bisa tetap melihat dan mengenal TUHAN kita harus memiliki pandangan yang bersih dari segala hambatan yang menutupi pandangan kita. Mari singkirkan semua awan kelabu, dan miliki pandangan jernih ke arah TUHAN dan kenali serta imani kembali semua janji-NYA. Hal-hal negatif bisa menghalangi pandangan untuk melihat kebaikan dan kasih TUHAN.

► Dosa sebagai Penghalang

"Ah kamu sudah dipanggil-panggil tetap saja tidak melihat." Seperti itu kata teman saya suatu kali saat saya secara tidak sengaja bertemu dengannya di keramaian. Pada waktu itu ada banyak orang lalu lalang dan saya pun sedang tidak konsentrasi melihat siapa-siapa karena tidak mengira bakal bertemu dengan orang yang saya kenal. Ia berkata bahwa ia sudah melihat saya dari jauh. Saya berjalan menuju ke arahnya, tapi saya tidak melihatnya. Bahkan saat ia sudah mulai memanggil dan melambaikan tangan saya masih saja tidak sadar. Sampai ia hadir tepat di depan saya, barulah saya melihatnya. Mata berfungsi baik, kejadian di siang hari yang terang benderang, tapi ketika pandangan terhalang oleh banyak hal termasuk karena sedang tidak fokus, kita bisa gagal melihat sesuatu yang sebenarnya ada tepat di depan kita.

Banyak orang yang kecewa kepada TUHAN karena menganggap TUHAN tidak mendengar doa mereka atau tidak menjawab permintaan mereka di saat mereka sedang tertimpa masalah. Benar, terkadang masalah waktu kita dengan waktunya TUHAN itu berbeda. Firman TUHAN sudah menyatakan hal tersebut: "Seperti tingginya langit dari bumi, demikianlah tingginya jalan-KU dari jalanmu dan rancangan-KU dari rancanganmu." Yesaya 55:9

Jarak yang terbentang antara bumi dan langit sangatlah panjang, itu menunjukkan keterbatasan kita dalam mengetahui rencana TUHAN dalam hidup kita. Waktu yang kita anggap terbaik belum tentu yang terbaik di mata TUHAN. Sementara kita harus mengakui bahwa TUHANlah yang tentu paling tahu mengenai apa yang terbaik bagi manusia ciptaan-NYA. Dan apa yang dibuat TUHAN itu adalah segala sesuatu yang indah pada waktunya seperti yang tertulis dalam Pengkotbah 3:11. Atau mungkin apa yang kita minta adalah sesuatu yang salah, tidak berguna atau malah berpotensi merusak kita, itu pun tidak akan dijawab TUHAN. Firman-NYA berkata: "Atau kamu berdoa juga, tetapi kamu tidak menerima apa-apa, karena kamu salah berdoa, sebab yang kamu minta itu hendak kamu habiskan untuk memuaskan hawa nafsumu." (Yohanes 4:3). Keduanya mungkin saja menjadi penyebab belum atau tidak datangnya uluran tangan TUHAN menjawab doa kita. Tetapi ada satu hal yang juga harus kita waspadai, dan kita pastikan tidak sedang bercokol bebas dalam diri kita, yaitu DOSA. Dosa yang terus dibiarkan dalam diri kita sesungguhnya bisa menghalangi atau bahkan memutuskan hubungan kita dengan TUHAN. Dan jika itu yang terjadi maka kita bisa terbentur pada banyak masalah.

Dosa bisa menghalangi tersambungnya kita dengan TUHAN di tahta-NYA yang Maha Kudus. Kita harus memastikan benar bahwa tidak ada kejahatan yang kita simpan, tidak ada dosa yang kita sembunyikan lagi dalam diri kita. Dosa itu bisa merintangi hubungan antara kita dengan TUHAN, sehingga DIA tidak mendengar dan menjawab doa-doa kita. Hal ini disebutkan dalam kitab Yesaya. Bunyinya: "Sesungguhnya, tangan TUHAN tidak kurang panjang untuk menyelamatkan, dan pendengaran-NYA tidak kurang tajam untuk mendengar; tetapi yang merupakan pemisah antara kamu dan ALLAHmu ialah segala kejahatanmu, dan yang membuat DIA menyembunyikan diri terhadap kamu, sehingga IA tidak mendengar, ialah segala dosamu." Yesaya 59:1-2

TUHAN tidak pernah terlalu sibuk atau tidak mampu menyelamatkan kita. TUHAN tidak pernah tidak peduli atau cuek. TUHAN tidak tuli. Yang kerap terjadi, dosa-dosa yang ada dalam diri kita dan belum dibereskan, baik yang kita sadari atau tidak ternyata menjadi penghalang terhubungnya kita dengan TUHAN.

Ada banyak orang yang mengira bahwa mereka mampu menyembunyikan dosa dengan rapi sehingga sanggup menipu TUHAN. Itu jelas pikiran yang keliru, karena biar serapi apapun kita menyimpannya, TUHAN akan selalu mengetahuinya dan hal tersebut bisa menjadi penghalang bagi kita untuk menerima berkat dan keselamatan dari TUHAN.

Salomo berkata: "Siapa menyembunyikan pelanggarannya tidak akan beruntung, tetapi siapa mengakuinya dan meninggalkannya akan disayangi. Berbahagialah orang yang senantiasa takut akan TUHAN, tetapi orang yang mengeraskan hatinya akan jatuh ke dalam malapetaka." Amsal 28:13-14

Oleh sebab itu kita harus rajin memeriksa hati atau diri kita dan apabila menemukan dosa yang masih tinggal, dengan segera membereskan semuanya. Mengakuinya dan bertobat sungguh-sungguh, lalu bertekad tidak mengulanginya lagi. TUHAN YESUS mengingatkan hal yang sama pula. Mari kita lihat Yohanes 5 mengenai kisah YESUS KRISTUS ketika mengunjungi kolam yang disebut Betesda dan menyembuhkan orang yang sudah tiga puluh delapan tahun menderita penyakit. Setelah orang itu disembuhkan, TUHAN YESUS berpesan padanya: "Engkau telah sembuh; jangan berbuat dosa lagi, supaya padamu jangan terjadi yang lebih buruk." (Yohanes 5:14). Dosa seperti apapun, baik besar atau kecil haruslah segera diselesaikan, diakui sehingga tidak menjadi penghalang antara kita dengan TUHAN.

Kita mungkin merasa bahwa kita sudah hidup sepenuhnya benar, tapi tetap rajinlah memeriksa diri, karena bisa saja ada penghalang-penghalang yang meski dianggap kecil tapi ternyata memblokir hubungan kita dengan TUHAN. Kita mungkin sudah mengenal TUHAN, mengenal pribadi-NYA, tetapi dosa bisa menghalangi dan menjauhkan kita dari-NYA dan akhirnya mendatangkan petaka. Jangan beri toleransi pada dosa sekecil apapun, karena baik besar atau kecil dosa tetaplah dosa yang bisa menjadi penghalang.

Dalam Galatia dikatakan: "Sedikit ragi sudah mengkhamirkan seluruh adonan." (Galatia 5:9). Karena itu, ingatlah selalu pesan TUHAN YESUS : "Karena itu perhatikanlah supaya terang yang ada padamu jangan menjadi kegelapan." Matius 12:35

Singkirkan segera dosa-dosa yang menghalangi kita dengan TUHAN, sehingga kita bisa tetap terhubung sepenuhnya dengan TUHAN tanpa gangguan apapun. Dosa seberapapun ukurannya dan apapun bentuk atau alasannya tetaplah dosa yang bisa memutus hubungan kita dengan TUHAN, AMIN.

TUHAN YESUS Memberkati.

Free from the bondage of Satan

MARK 5: 1-2 - "Then they came across the lake, in the region of the Gadarenes. Jesus had just got off the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet Him. "

Do not imagine anyone being possessed by a demon is always acting weird and untidy appearance. It may be that such people are not shackled demon, but suffer from a mental disorder.

Lord Jesus with His disciples crossed the Sea of ​​Galilee, and to the region of the Gadarenes which belonged to a non-Jew or gentile. Departing from the LORD JESUS ​​JESUS ​​town (Nazareth) and cross the lake and landed in the area Galiela Gerasa. Jesus picture of the city close to Jesus Christ, and the city of Gerasa picture where demons congregate. While the Sea of ​​Galilee which is a source of drinking water and other purposes, in which the Lord Jesus taught Peter and the other disciples caught fish, a picture in which we make a living.

JESUS ​​CHRIST Just got off the boat in the region of the Gadarenes, LORD JESUS ​​greeted by a man who possessed the power of darkness is like wandering in a cemetery. The situation is in stark contrast occurred on the side opposite the Galilee region of Gerasa. One side of the lake, in the town of Jesus, near the existing teaching of the Word of the Lord Jesus, miracles, and life. While on the same side of the lake, there are people who are possessed by demons, cemeteries, death. The question is, where do we live? On the side of the town or city of Gerasa JESUS​​?

Demon-possessed people see Jesus Christ specifically. Is he just in the city alone Gadarene demon-possessed? No. In principle, all people before getting to know the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST controlled demons. Since Adam and Eve obey the devil persuasion to eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, since that's all the descendants of Adam possessed by a demon. Possessed by a demon means to obey the words of Satan and against the Word of the Lord. Jesus Christ came into the world, setting up safety for people who want to receive salvation. The Lord Jesus never forced people to receive salvation. Salvation is only received by anyone who wants to come to HIM as accepted by the demoniac who would come to see HIM in particular.

MARK 5: 3-5 - "That man lived there and no one else is able to tie it, even with chains, because he had often shackled and chained, but he decided chains and shackles dimusnahkannya, so that no one is strong enough to tame it. Day and night he wandered the tombs and in the hills screaming and hitting him with a stone. "

One characteristic of a person who is possessed by a demon that person can not control himself and also can not be controlled by someone else, because the demons are more powerful than humans. These characteristics are evident from the Gadarene people can not control themselves: wandering the cemetery, shouting and beating him with stones. To try to control it, the people around him tied with chains, but the demons in him deciding the chain with ease.

The most obvious example of a person who is possessed by a demon gamblers, drug addicts. This class can not control himself, other people can not control them. If there are family members who belong to this group, we do not try to subdue the power of darkness that gripped him on our own, because we will not be able to.

Many people are deceived spouse or children who are caught gambling to the bitter end and leave debts. He told his partner or his parents that he will repent, and stop gambling. And he asked for money to settle debts due to gambling. Be careful, do not easily believe!!! Generally, the money will be used to gamble again!!! Because he can not control himself. Not only can not control himself to escape, he even maneuver, with expert move to steal the opportunity (and money!) In order to continue to "enjoy" the shackles of the devil.

People who are possessed by demons roam the cemetery and hills. Called "roam" because that person may not equip himself with a map and having plans to visit a place. This illustrates another feature of the person who possessed by a demon, the life without the direction of the goal, not having a plan.

Satan aimed at hurting people, good people who dirasukinya or hurt others through dirasukinya people. This is evident from the demon-possessed man beat him with stones. So, do not be fooled and imagine there is a good and funny demons like Casper. All the demons that torment humans and aims to attract people to go to hell with him.

MARK 5: 6-8 - "When he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and worshiped get HIS HIS, and he loudly shouted," Leave me alone, O JESUS​​, THE SON OF GOD Most High GOD's sake, do not torture me! "Because before Jesus told him: "Hey, you unclean spirit! Out of that man!"

How can I be freed from the bondage of the devil?
Only Jesus Christ can set us free from the bondage of the devil. When he saw Jesus Christ, the demoniac at Gerasa it ran to meet and worship the Lord Jesus. Who told or taught him? Himself, his own conscience. In Gerasa, many people are possessed by demons other than the man. But that is recorded in the Gospels only those that are released. Important factors that make it receives deliverance from the bondage of Satan is to his consciousness would be released by JESUS ​​CHRIST. So, if she does not want released, either from bond gambling, drugs, and other ties that demon, the Lord would not let go. The Lord certainly could, but the Lord never forced. Pray also useless if the person is still willing to "enjoy" the bondage of the devil.

In verse 6 the demoniac fell down to worship the Lord Jesus, but in verse 7 he shouted angrily to JESUS ​​CHRIST. Apparently, the man was not consistent. As it turned out, it was Satan angry and use that person for spitting anger to Jesus Christ. Satan can demo shows the ability to master human. But, if that person would be released LORD JESUS​​, JESUS ​​he will be released.

With the reckless, devil challenged the Lord Jesus, "What have MU with me?" So do not be surprised if people are possessed by a demon with a bold challenge others. Though the devil is actually afraid of JESUS ​​CHRIST because he then says that the Lord Jesus did not torture her. It is able to punish and torture are merely the Lord GOD. Satan can work on dashing man. But, if GOD "His fingers flicked" just, Satan surely destroyed. Surprisingly, a lot of people asking for help to the paranormal to be released from the devil. It looks off, but then the demons that still retained control of the person will be back in action, the action may even be worse than the one before.

Fierce resistance in the form of bursts of anger words performed by Jesus Christ expelled demons. LORD JESUS ​​be resisted, especially when the man who cast out demons. I do not scare, but we do not pretentious able to cast out demons. Need an unwavering faith in preparation so that we do not like the ball is kicked to and fro without mercy by "teams" devil.

ROME 7: 19-20 - "For not what I want, which is good, which I do, but what I do not want, that is evil, I do. So what if I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin which dwells in me. "

With honest and humble Paul admits in the paragraph above that before becoming an apostle, Paul was not able to do good, aka invaded by Satan. Of course Paul's appearance was not like naked people wandering in Gadarene graveyard shouting. Not all who were oppressed by demons act and look like a man in the Gadarenes. For those who may be naked in the street with a disheveled appearance are people affected by mental disorders. People who are possessed by a demon could only look dapper. Evidently Paul was a member of respectable society, highly educated, even he is the scribe?!!

Without the power of the Lord, Paul was possessed by a demon that can not master himself to do good according to the Word. Which makes him able to do well in accordance with his wishes is sin which dwells within him. The word "sin" means that the devil; it was Satan who made ​​the Fall.

ROME 7: 24-25 - "wretched man I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to GOD! by Jesus Christ, our Lord. "

Paul calls himself a wretched man; before knowing Jesus Christ, we are also human woe. Therefore, we want to do good, but could not. Satan binds us makes us do the opposite. Who can deliver us from the body which brings us to sin, which leads us to the body of death? Only the Lord Jesus Christ. Condition, we will come to Jesus to be released from the shackles of the devil.

MARK 5: 9-12 - "Then he asked the man," What is your name? "He replied: "My name is Legion, for we are many." He pleaded with Jesus that do not cast out the spirits that come out of that area. Is there on the hillside a large number of pigs was feeding, and the spirits begged HIM, he said: "Send us into the swine, let us enter!"

Before Jesus Christ casting out demons, the Lord Jesus who asked his name. The name of the demon Legion because numerous. Polynomial, deceive humans in many ways too. While the Lord is one, one. Lord Jesus to save mankind in one way: to die for us so that we receive eternal life.

Satan appealed to Jesus Christ so as not to cast out the evil spirits out of the area Gerasa. Satan has an area, it means have limits. No matter how wide an area, the area certainly has its limits. In contrast to the LORD; The Lord is omnipresent. Important lesson for us: we do not go into an area that a lot of demons that we do not fall into a slave of sin and Satan. It is therefore important for us to choose to live in the city area of ​​JESUS​​, and avoids "Gerasa area" so we are not affected by the environment because our faith is not as strong as we think. Gerasa is a local pagan, not Jewish quarter. Evidently there are pig farms in Gerasa. The Jews did not want to raise pigs, because pigs including unclean animal according to the law.

The demons were asked to move to the pigs. Satan took the container. He wanted to speak but did not have a mouth that needs a human mouth, but do not want to hit people having hands so wear human hand, wants to deceive people but need a man to make his intentions.

MATTHEW 7: 6 - "Do not give holy things to dogs, and do not you cast your pearls before swine, lest trampled it with his feet, then he turned tore you."

In the language of the Bible, pigs and dogs describe people who do not appreciate the Word or unbelievers. Pigs and dogs trample the holy stuff and precious pearls picture of the Lord's Word. "The pigs" become easy prey for the devil. "Pig" may be people who are labeled "Christian" because not everyone who comes to the church would hear and receive the Word. People who belittle Word or unwilling to accept the Word of warning are "swine trampling pearls". Therefore do not be surprised if we have more Christians "crazy", more evil than those who do not know Jesus Christ, for Christians but reject the Word.

MARK 5: 13-14 - "Jesus gave them permission. Then the evil spirits came out and entered the swine. Pig herd about two thousand in number that falls from the brink into the lake and suffocate in them. Then the herdsmen fled and told it in the city and in the surrounding villages. And the people came to see what was happening. "

When the devil asked for permission to move to the pigs, the Lord Jesus may be banned. Pigs numbering about two thousand head into which the demons are all dead. Spiritual meaning, a lot of people (who reject the Word) died because the devil is not in the Lord Jesus does not want to protect. But, the person himself who does not want to accept salvation, the Word of the Lord even stamped upon them. So, if a demon who possessed drug addicts, gambling addicts, it is not because the Lord does not love that person. People themselves who do not want to be helped; The people trample love and help of the Lord. As a result, he became a prey to the devil.

Event entry of demons that Jesus Christ expelled from the demoniac into pigs pigs witnessed by the guards who then tell it to the people in the town and surrounding villages.

What guards witnessed pigs and the people?
LORD JESUS ​​to release the demon-possessed?
People who have been released from the devil?
The pigs were suffocated in a lake?
It could be their focus only to the pigs that died along with the estimated losses suffered by the owner of the pig.

Important lesson for us: in our worship in church, do not let us out of focus, we only see the "dead pigs" so that we become discouraged and reluctant to serve in the church. The Church is also not free from the "pigs" (the unbelievers, those who reject the Word). Let alone in the church, of the twelve apostles, was infiltrated "a pig" named Judas Iscariot trampling victim CHRIST.

People who saw the events release Gadarene demoniac men by Jesus Christ rather than excited. Instead, they are instead urged to leave the area LORD JESUS ​​Gerasa. Spiritual meaning, sometimes people do not know the high price of the conversion of one person. One soul is worth more than two thousand people repented who reject the Lord Jesus Christ.

MARK 5: 15 - "They came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man sitting, clothed and had sane, man who had been possessed by the legion. And they were afraid. "

People who had possessed it sits. At first, he did not sit down; he wandered into the cemetery and the hills, there is no purpose. Now, he is "sitting", it can mean a focus or concentration. The man called was sane, the translation of the English Bible: in his right mind. So it can be concluded that the person possessed by a demon is the demon that occupied his mind. Therefore, parents should not only indoctrinate children with science course, the important thing is to fill their minds with the Word of the Lord so that the devil does not get a chance to put his throne in the minds of our children. The man has also been dressed, meaning his polite. People will be polite if his mind has been released from the devil and then filled with the mind of Christ.

Changes experienced by a man who had been possessed by demons that make people afraid to see it. They are afraid to see the power of Jesus Christ who easily beat the devil. Servant of the Lord who accompanied the power of the Lord be feared or respected for being able to bring a big change in someone's life. The Church has no need for sensation for people to "sit still" in the church. Therefore, the sensation gradually become stale!!!

Two weeks ago there was a new church to worship the six months to meet the Servant of the Lord. He told the Servant of the Lord that he came to the church because it was invited by a friend who had previously been a member of the church. This young man was not familiar with the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST, even he is the servant of the house of worship at the altar of a different faith. The first time he came, the young man asked her, what the lighting used in the church because he saw the face of the Servant of the Lord shone. Friends of surprised and said that he saw the face of the Servant of the Lord normal, and no special lighting is used. Moreover, this young man said that he saw a large hand guard Servant of the Lord.

Since then, this young man regularly attend church. And he felt the overwhelming urge to come to church. Word of the Servant of the Lord convey not just plausible, but he felt like encouraged to obey the Word of the Lord convey the Servant of the Lord. His friend explained that it was the power of the Holy Spirit prompted him. Lord had heard during the six months indulge. As a result, the total change occurred in his life and now he is ready to receive water baptism. Three months after he was worshiping in the church, he said goodbye to his teacher of the old beliefs. Before he would convey goodbye, the teacher already knows. And she had been frightened by the master that he would die if leaving the old beliefs. Servant of the Lord and then reinforce him that he would not die because of trust in the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST. Precisely the dead are "pigs" who rejected the Lord.

The big change that brings tremendous joy happen for anyone who wants to come to the Lord Jesus Christ to be released from the bondage of the devil, either by people who had been in the Gadarene demoniac, as well as by the congregation of the LORD in the present, Amen.

Bless the LORD JESUS