Takut akan TUHAN adalah permulaan pengetahuan, tetapi orang bodoh menghina hikmat dan didikan. (AMSAL 1:7) Tetapi carilah dahulu kerajaan Allah dan kebenarannya, maka semuanya itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu. (Matius 6: 33)
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Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013
6 Facts arrival of the LORD JESUS CHRIST to 2
6 Facts arrival of the LORD JESUS CHRIST to 2
One afternoon before a man leaving for a long journey , he came into the room five -year -old son to say goodbye and remind him that the next morning when he woke up , his father was not there . The child is seriously asking , " Well , bagaimanan I know when Dad comes home ? " The father thought for a moment and then replied , "When you see the leaves falling , it means that the father will be home soon . "
In the following weeks , each time a child is playing outside he noticed , whether the leaves are falling . Finally , one night the wind was blowing hard and the next morning when the boy was out of the house , the ground covered with leaves . With spirit , these kids running around above the foliage and shouting , " Daddy come home ! ! ! Father returned ! ! !
" Just before Jesus left the world , IA convince HIS followers , " I will come back and take you with Me . " John 14 : 3
For two thousand years , Christians holding this appointment , waiting for the second coming of His anticipation is felt by all young children who look forward to the return of his father .
In this article we will learn" 6 Essential Facts About the Second Coming of Jesus Christ . "
When the Lord Jesus Christ Will Come ?One day the disciples asked Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 : 3 - " When Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives , the disciples came unto HIS HIS to converse alone with HIM . They said : "Tell us , when will these things happen and whether the sign - MU and marks the arrival end of the world ? "
JESUS CHRIST answer this question in two ways :
Fact 1 : We Do not Know When to Come Lord Jesus .
During the past century , various groups and individuals determine the date of the second coming of JESUS CHRIST times , among them : 1914 , 1964 , 1988 and 1994 . During the 90s , some people predicted that Jesus Christ would come in or around 2000 . The Lord Jesus said , "But of that day and hour no one knows , neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, only the Father alone . " Matthew 24 : 36
So , there is no point decide for themselves on the second coming of Jesus Christ or excited by the specified date other people . Stout people are disappointed after a specified date passed and nothing happened and hope they leave the coming of the LORD JESUS CHRIST back .
Fact 2 : We Can Know That His coming is near .
Jesus Christ once said , therefore , we know that His coming is close , like know spring is near when looking at emerging buds cult . Matthew 24 : 32-33 - " Now learn a parable of the fig tree : When its branch becomes tender and puts forth leaves , ye know that summer is near . Likewise , when you see all these things, know that it is near , even at the doors . "
And the LORD JESUS gives some sign that we can recognize. One sign is to preach the gospel throughout the world . " Good news will work heaven shall be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations , and then the sequel will arrive . " Matthew 24 : 14 - " And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations , after the end will come . "
As humans we never know when everyone in the world had the opportunity to hear the good news about Jesus Christ and His offer . But one thing is very real - it's easier today than in the past to share the good news for uamt humans . Think : TV , radio , books , magazines , newspaper and now the Internet and the World Wide Web ! ! !
This situation allows the entire world to hear the gospel overnight ! ! !
The Bible also says that just before Jesus Christ comes , the world will be fascinated with spiritualism and communication with evil spirits . For example , the Lord Jesus said before IA back , "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and they will hold mighty signs and wonders , so that it were possible , they shall deceive the very elect . " Matthew 24 : 24
In a similar verse in the book of Revelation , John says , in Revelation 16 : 14-16 - " That's the demons that hold miraculous deeds , and they go get the kings of the whole world , to gather them to the battle of the great day , ie the Almighty GOD . "Behold , I come as a thief . Blessed is he , who keep watch and keep his clothes , lest he walk naked , and do not look cock . " Then he gathered them in place , which in Hebrew is called Armageddon . "
And Paul says that when the Lord Jesus comes back , the devil will show all kinds of miraculous deeds , signs and false wonders . 2 Thessalonians 2 : 9 - "The coming of the lawless one is the devil's work , and will be accompanied by all manner of miraculous deeds , signs and false wonders . "
Very striking , that at this time we see the rapid progress in the field of New Age and other forms of communication with the dead . This is a sign of the coming of Jesus Christ , and also a sign that we should not accept mere miracles because there is a supernatural power . Satan can perform miracles and he showed it to mislead people .
How Jesus Christ Will Come Back ?LORD JESUS predicted that before the arrival of HIS , false prophets will appear in various places in this earth , stating that they are Jesus . Matthew 24 : 4-5 , 26 - " Jesus replied to them : " Take heed that no man deceive you : for many shall come in my name , saying, I am Christ , and will deceive many. So if anyone says to you , 'Look, He is in the desert , do not go to it , or ,' Look, He is in the booth , do not believe . " Fortunately , no one has gone astray . There are three ways to know the real Jesus Christ coming back time IA .
Fact 3 : Coming of Jesus Christ Will Be Witnessed the Miracle Can General .
For one thing , the coming of Jesus Christ will be a great event on earth. The Bible says , Revelation 1 : 7 - " Look , IA comes with clouds and every eye will see Him , as well as those who pierced Him . And all the nations of the earth will mourn DIA . Yes , amen . " And Jesus Christ Himself said , " For as the lightning flashes from the east and throws light up to the west , so also will the coming of the Son of Man . " Matthew 24 : 27
Not only the coming of the LORD JESUS to be seen , it also can be heard . Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 4 : 16 - "For the time given sign , ie at the time called the archangel and the trumpet sounded GOD , the Lord himself shall descend from heaven and the dead in Christ shall rise first . "1 Corinthians 15 : 52 - " in the blink of an eye , at the last trumpet . Because the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised in a state that can not be destroyed and we will all be changed . " And he tells the Corinthians that" the trumpet will sound the arrival of the Lord Jesus ' second coming . "
Fact 4 : Jesus Christ Will Come In Clouds .
The Lord Jesus also said that He would come " in the clouds in the sky " Matthew 24 : 30 - " And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming on the clouds - clouds of heaven with power and His glory . "a fact that is repeated several times in the New Testament .
For example , in the book of Revelation John wrote , " Look , IA coming in the clouds . " ( Revelation 1 : 7 ) Then , in explaining the vision of the second coming of Jesus Christ , John says , " And I looked, and behold , a white cloud , and seated on the cloud was one like a Son of Man with a golden crown on His head and the blade of a sharp sickle in His hand . " Revelation 14 : 14
Fact 5 : The Dead Will be Raised .
The Lord Jesus said , will come in which all that are in the graves will hear His voice and rose . They are doing good things , will rise up and live . John 5 : 28-29 - " Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear His voice , and they that have done good will come out and rise to eternal life , but they who have done evil will rise to be condemned . "
The Lord Jesus did not say when this will happen , but Paul explains that this will happen when the second coming of HIS .1 Thessalonians 4 : 16 - "For the time given sign , ie at the time called the archangel and the trumpet sounded GOD , the Lord himself shall descend from heaven and the dead in Christ shall rise first . " So you can know that all the stated that the LORD JESUS CHRIST ... IA appears in the clouds the sky with the sound of trumpets and raise the dead .
How Do We Get ready ?The next important question is how we can get ready for His coming ? Jawabnnya is a sixth case in the important fact that we need to know about His second coming .
Fact 6 : You Can Willing .
Even some people who think they are ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ will find that in fact they are not ready . The Lord Jesus warned , Not everyone who says ' Lord , Lord ' will enter the kingdom of heaven . Matthew 7 : 21 - " Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord ! will enter into the kingdom of heaven , but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven . "
So , what should we do to be ready Coming of the Lord Jesus ?
First , we must know that we make mistakes and fix them . If guilty to others , we should fix it . And while God does not ask us to address all of our bad habits before receiving our Lord , the Lord wants us to acknowledge and set aside in the face . The Bible calls this " repentance " and " recognition " . We also have to accept the Lord Jesus Christ 's death on the cross for our sins and ask HIM to forgive our sins .
When we meet this condition , the Lord did two things for us . First , the Lord forgives us . Second , he changed his mind and emotions so that when evil things that we would like to do and we hate good things into something that we like . Christians call this " born again " .
Expectation of the coming of Jesus Christ .Are you tired of the pain and suffering and death ?The Lord promised that the new home of Jesus Christ has for us , " And He will wipe every tear from their eyes , and death will be no more : there will be no more mourning , or crying, or sorrow , for all the old it has passed . " Revelation 21 : 4
When the Lord Jesus comes . all my friends and boyfriend who believe and who died will be resurrected . They will be joined by GOD 's people living on earth . " And will stay with the Lord forever . " 1 Thessalonians 4 : 16-17 - " For in the time given sign , ie at the time called the archangel and the trumpet sounded GOD , the Lord himself shall descend from heaven and the dead in Christ shall rise first , and after that , we who are alive , who are left, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air . Thus we will be forever with the Lord together . "
No wonder the Bible invites us to " encourage one another with these words . " 1 Thessalonians 4 : 18 - "Therefore Refresh one another with these words . "
Will you be ready to meet Jesus Christ at His coming ?
All you have to do is ask HIM to come into your heart . Facts end and the best of all is that you can pray it right now ! ! !
Bless the LORD JESUS
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