Takut akan TUHAN adalah permulaan pengetahuan, tetapi orang bodoh menghina hikmat dan didikan. (AMSAL 1:7) Tetapi carilah dahulu kerajaan Allah dan kebenarannya, maka semuanya itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu. (Matius 6: 33)
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Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013
just went along
Proverbs 1 : 10 - "My son , if sinners entice thee want , do not you think . "
" I just went along with the pack ... gosh ... " said a drug user with a softly bowed sluggish . He was caught red-handed while partying drugs . Although still young , he is old enough to face the threat of punishment due to his actions , even being suspected dealers who will certainly add to his sentence .
Although there are many who argue just went along , not infrequently there are indeed falling as a result of hanging . Because you want to be great or a fear of losing friends , a lot of people who end up choosing to do bad actions are not only damaging his own future but also others .
Drug users , robbers , criminals or even murderers can follow the call came from one of your friends who are not responsible . They forget that even a bandwagon , they also can get the same penalty if a perpetrator of a crime . As for the above drug users , he must bear the consequences of his actions , languishing in jail for a long time .
Wrong crowd can ruin a person . The guy had a good life , but when it goes into the wrong milieu bandwagon they fall into sin . May initially be able to say no , but over time did not dare refuse to do any sin . " Ah , just this once , it's okay . " so maybe thoughts that arise . Tolerance of sin began to be given , and what happened next , which was a good person can turn into people who are no longer sensitive to the violation of the provisions the Lord .
Living in a world filled with desires of the flesh are believed to be a thing of joy by those who do not fear the Lord is not easy . These people will try to pull us . They are all around us and will continue to offer something that at first glance may look fun and delicious , but there are many sins that peek behind it . If not careful we can fall into it and consequently would have to be prepared to suffer the consequences . An environment that is not healthy friendships often plunge men into sin . We must bear the consequences later , and regret often come too late .
Does this mean we should not open as wide as possible to make friends with many people ? Certainly not what he meant . We are not forbidden to make friends with other people , it's just that we have to pay attention to right with whom we establish friendships . No matter how strong our faith , when we continuously tolerate sin then sooner or later we could be affected and trapped in a variety of sins .
Is there a specific warning in this regard in the Bible ? Of course there is , even since the time of Solomon . In Proverbs he writes : "My son , if sinners entice thee want , do not you think . " Proverbs 1 : 10
Important message of course . Through the wisdom of Solomon was able to see the human tendency that easily ingested inducements or enticements to sin . Sinners will always find someone else to follow their lifestyle is wrong . And unfortunately , we often think because of many reasons . Afraid considered outdated , wanted to keep the prestige or shy if refused , afraid ostracized from society and so on . We are not aware of just because of these reasons we can sacrifice our future , get rid of the promises the Lord and open early for our own downfall .
In addition to the Proverbs , there are many of them that the Lord warned the danger of playing around with sin . May initially just trial and error , maybe just curious , went along and so on , but remember that even though it seems trivial things like this could be the beginning of the presence of a problem . Whether big or small sin remains sin has consequences .
James expressed an idea how dangerous when we start to tolerate sin . " And when that desire has been fertilized, it gives birth to sin , and sin when it is ripe , she gave birth to death . " James 1 : 15 . Starting only from desire , then when fertilized it will give birth to sin . And when sin becomes mature in us then it will lead to death .
This is a warning that we should look at very seriously . especially when considering we live in a world full of people who are ready to lead us astray , whether they realize it or not . They will continue to offer many sorely missed by the pleasures of the flesh.
That's why we really have to be careful in our milieu . Of course it is good if we could bring the good effects of changes in the middle of a bad neighborhood , brings them into the repentance and turning away from evil streets . But we must be careful not to instead bring good effect but instead we were plunged into all manner of sin .
Paul elaborated desires that can bear fruit of sin and death spawned . " Works of the flesh are obvious : sexual immorality , impurity , lust , idolatry , sorcery , enmity , strife , jealousy , anger , selfishness , percideraan , breaking spirit , envy , drunkenness , carousing, and so on . " Galatians 5 : 19 - 21a
And the perpetrators of all it will not get a part in the Kingdom of GOD . Galatians 5 : 21b - " they which do such things , he will not inherit the kingdom of GOD . " When we see one by one , these species are no longer foreign to us who can go through a lot of ways . Therefore we need to be vigilant and think carefully before deciding anything .
Paul also reminds us to be vigilant in the association. " Do not be deceived : 'Bad company corrupts good habits . " 1 Corinthians 15 : 33
We must pay attention to the earnest and with whom we associate. We certainly should not antagonize them , but it is mandatory for us to be careful lest they ingested persuasion and into the trap of sin .
Back to Proverbs verse above , notice that Solomon then goes on to " confront their own blood .. and staking his own life . " Proverbs 1 : 18
People who tolerate sin actually enjoy doing self -destruction , self-destruction and orients itself towards perdition . Our role is to awaken and save them from destruction bandwagon instead of into it .
We should be an example or role model instead of easily persuaded to join the bandwagon . Says the Lord also reminded " Do not be conformed to this world , but be transformed by the renewing of your mind , so you can distinguish Which GOD 's will : what is good , pleasing to GOD and perfect . " Romans 12 : 2
All the real sin is of the devil . And the LORD JESUS was already present to the world the greatness of love GOD in us to pay off all of it . Thus the Bible states : " whosoever committeth sin is of the devil , for the devil has sinned from the beginning . For this self-proclaimed Son of GOD HIS , namely that IA destroy evil deeds . " 1 John 3 : 8
Sins can indeed present in the form of packaging that looks beautiful and full of pleasure , through enticements friend who feels not to be missed , but what a moment it is not at all comparable with the result that we must bear forever someday .
Today let us equally introspective attention to our association and moreover take care of ourselves . Bandwagon just could never lifted a reason , because after all there will be consequences to be prepared to endure when we 've already fallen into sin . When someone ask you to do bad things , say no .
Bless the LORD JESUS
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