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Sabtu, 02 November 2013

Beware Tongue

James 3 : 5 - " Likewise the tongue , although a small member of the body , but it can boast of great matters . Look , no matter how small the fire , it can burn a big forest . "
Everyone wants peace , but a little practice . Violence continues to occur even in the name of the Lord in order that they think is good . In other words , there are those who dream of creating peace through violence instead . So be it , each person has his own way .
But we realize that the greatest damage is often not through acts of extreme violence but rather through a small organ of our body parts , namely the tongue . And what's worse , the beginning is often the problem is not severe , but through small frictions should be easily appeased .
Like a flame of fire that start small , it can be quickly extinguished . But when the fire silenced then he will continue to grow and burn more. When the fire was so big , so the fire can destroy and cause little damage . Not only for one person but may involve a nation even its excesses can be long to penetrate boundaries .
The Bible clearly warned about the potential dangers posed by the tongue is relatively small compared to the size of our body and connect it to pull the fire that burns . James said : " Likewise the tongue , although a small member of the body , but it can boast of great matters . Behold how small a fire , it can burn a big forest . " James 3 : 5
It is an analogy that really appropriate , because the effect or impact damage can be just as severe as major fires . Spark was very small and did not we think is dangerous . If you light a match , the fire would not harm at all .
But what would happen if we started to bring it to the skin ?Or what if we put a fire that burned a little part of the forest and left for some time ?
The impact can be severe and even fatal . Can eliminate the lives of people , if not to life , to fix it could require annual , decades , or it may never be able to be returned to its original condition .
James continues: " And the tongue is a fire , and he is an evil world and take its place among the members of our bodies as something that could tarnish the entire body and the wheels turning our lives , while he himself ignited by the fire of hell . All kinds of wild animals , birds - birds , and beasts , and creeping sea creatures can be tamed and has been tamed by the human nature , but no one in power to tame the tongue : it is something wild , that is not possessed , and full of deadly poison . " James 3 : 6-8
If James highlight of savagery tongue , which is so difficult to tame , not overwhelmed and full of toxins , as that is exactly . We have too often seen the destruction of human relations , inter- ethnic country even coming from the tongue unbridled ferocity , the same as the fire that burns and destroys .
Ironically , the tongue can actually be used to praise the Lord , but this same tongue can be a destructive weapon more powerful than guns termuktahir today . " With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father , and with it we curse men, who are created in the image of GOD , of the same mouth come blessing and a curse . It is , brothers and sisters, this ought not to be . " James 3 : 9-10
Every moment we are dealing with so many people with behavior , doings and their own style , even among family or loved ones . Friction can occur anytime and disputes can arise . As I mentioned earlier , the cause is usually not a big problem but it starts from the things small or trivial , but then expanded so that in the end it is difficult to control.
That is why we are encouraged to be patient and able to help myself , do not be persuaded or influenced by emotional moment that in the end we regret too but had already destroyed many things . Destroyed family relationships , friendships , neighborly relations , human relations , and if this happens , do not ever again expect no peace on earth .
Satan will try to destroy people , and usually it is done by attacking the family of the smallest cell . Of the destruction of the family , all demonic dreams can be realized , and when that happens , then we will personally bear the great loss . There is no place for hatred revenge especially in Christianity . We were always asked to love , understand and apply how the infinite love of Christ was to be applied in our daily lives .
Is the guilty person would admit fault or not , we are asked to be pardoned . Saith the LORD says : " Do not judge , then you also will not be judged . And do not punish , then you also will not be condemned ; forgive , and ye shall be forgiven . " Luke 6 : 37
If we apply it , then we can expect to see further growth of peace in this world . Unfortunately, we often use the law of cause and effect as a justification for the hostility between us with others . We think that by releasing emotions through words that we can be more calm . But it often happens , the tongue is not maintained will continue to burn so that at some point no longer be extinguished .
That is why the Lord says : " As far as possible the , if it depends on you , live at peace with everyone ! " Romans 12 : 18
This is important because we often forget that the decision for peace or conflict is often not dependent on the person , but it comes from ourselves. Maybe it's other people who start , but it is not a decision to forgive or not it comes from ourselves? What should we watch is to have love in us , and there is a small element that should we watch and pay attention because it often escapes our attention , namely the tongue .
Tongue was only a small part of the whole body . Compare with our body , the tongue is not nothing . but the destruction that can be caused by the tongue can be so severe unmarked . Not only destroying ourselves , but it can have an impact far greater than that. Others even future survival of human life can widely over just because uncontrolled tongue .
History records many events that change people's lives into disarray , which takes tens or even hundreds of years to recover from damage that began with the tongue . For that we need to submit our tongues into the hands of the Lord , fill our hearts as a source of life to the Lord and to live real love in us . The ability of humans will not be able to master the tongue , but we can learn to rely on God in control .
A message that is important may well also be appointed in response to the savagery of the tongue . "Hi , my dear brothers , take note of this : Everyone should be quick to listen , slow to speak and slow to anger . " James 1 : 19
Do not rush to throw the words , especially in a state that easily ignited emotions . Do not get emotional moment that came out through his words into something that we regret later , which may be too late to repair.
A " human anger does not teach the truth in the presence of GOD . " James 1 : 20 , Because of the impact could be very severe where the tongue is usually spearheading represent this anger . Besides, the role of the tongue as a product exit anger also showed that although small , the organ we have really good guard .
Therefore , let us be alert to hair-splitting everything that comes out of our mouths . There must be no curse in the form of anything that comes out of our mouths , our tongues not to apply force so free future wild and kill many people .
What good is using the tongue to praise and worship the Lord , and also used to bless others . That is the main purpose for the human tongue LORD than to feel . God can use our tongues to be salt and light to the world , then redeeming it in accordance with His will . Unmarked tongue can destroy , then watch out carefully, AMIN .

Bless the LORD JESUS

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