JOHN 4 : 29-30 - " Come and see ! There was a man who told me everything I ever did . CHRIST HE Could it ? " So they go out of town and came to Jesus . "
women , appearance is extremely rare penting.Tak , she was confident ,
even did not dare leave the house without makeup or hair that has not
been arranged . In addition to physical appearance , which is also important to note is inner beauty .
The above verse shows the tremendous response from people on the word of a woman of Samaria . They are not just interested in hearing his words , they take real action : come to Jesus . The woman was not a renowned motivator , it is also known as a man of charisma in talking . It felt , he did not dress in the daytime because he plans to draw water from the well .
She may not want to take a shower because of new water for a shower . Even up to a few minutes earlier , she was not personally considered by those around him. Mutually husband has brought up five times a cynical contempt for him . Was not her news stories of interest to humans , for example , " Come and see ! Where found gold ! " However , why a short and simple testimony in verse 29 that responded all that well by the audience ?
Of course we also want our words are not ignored by the other person as experienced Samaritan woman . Apparently, the secret is his encounter with the Lord Jesus at the well . The words of Jesus had healed inner wounds . He forgot the original plan to take water , and turn the bow to witness to people about Jesus . Heal the hearts of women that gave rise to the inner beauty that is capable of charming every person is dealing with him .
PETER 3 : 3-5 - " let your jewelry outwardly , ie with - ngepang
braiding hair , wearing gold jewelry or to wear beautiful clothes -
beautiful , but your jewelry is the hidden man of the heart with the
imperishable jewels that come from the spirit gentle and peaceful , which is very precious in the sight of GOD . Because this is the way the holy women first dress , the women who put their hope in GOD ; them submit to her husband . "
Many people tend to pay more attention to outward appearance or physical . One
thing we need to know about the origin or source of beauty that Peter ,
the beauty is not coming from outside ( NIV : your beauty should not
come from outward adornment ) . That is, if in ( her ) beautiful , beauty will radiate out . However
, that does not mean Christians should not use make-up equipment ; we
need to know is where the beauty of it is coming so that we get a true
beauty . We need to detox our heart of hearts the poison of bitterness and heartache . Therefore , the outward appearance would not have much effect in the liver when there is still bitterness and heartache .
Maybe Samaritan woman was busy dressing up and wearing a variety of jewelry to conquer men . Indeed, he is able to attract and bind the five men to be her husband ( although only for a while) . However
, because there was bitterness in his heart , not the Samaritan woman
who craves happiness ; she just knocked out of the community . However the Lord restored his heart , the response of people really opposed to the response he got earlier .
JOHN 4 : 28 - " Then the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people there . "
who have inner beauty has the following characteristics: besides
capable of charming everyone , he also has the character of love and
attention to the interests of others. Indicated the woman left her water jar , went to the city , testified about Jesus for the salvation of others. Draw water for her own needs second . Previously
, it tends to be self-centered Samaritan woman , wants to be the most
beautiful , like all of the attention focused on him .
Genesis 24 : 17-19 - " Then the servant ran to her and said : " Please let me drink a little water from your jar . " She said, " Drink, my lord , " then quickly lowered her jar to her hand , and gave him drink . After
she had finished giving him drink, she said : " Well for your camels
also draw water , until they have finished drinking . "
and care for the interests of others as characteristic of people who
have inner beauty can also take a look inside Rebekah . Eliezer , Abraham's servant confidence , her employer sent to find a wife for Isaac . It looks simple terms for candidates Eliezer wife of Isaac : the girl who asked Eliezer to drink , she would give it. When Eliezer met Rebekah and asked for a drink , soon gave Rebekah . Not difficult to water one person , may only need a glass of water Eliezer . Remarkably, Rebekah also watered the camels of Eliezer until finished drinking . It was not small . Camel capacity of approximately 50 liters . If only Eliezer brought five camels, Rebekah need to draw 250 liters of water for the camels . "
Fit and proper test " is passed Rebekah showing his personal qualities
as a girl who has inner beauty , the look of concern to others .
4 : 13-14 - " Jesus answered her," Whoever drinks this water will be
thirsty again , but whoever drinks the water that will be KU - give him,
he will not be thirsty forever . Instead of water will give KU - him , will become in him a spring , which is constantly springing up to eternal life . "
Why are people who still have emotional wounds are not able to love ? Because he is always hungry , and thirsty again . Insatiable despite having a lot of money . People who can not afford insatiable love and care for others . Conversely , people who drank the water of life from Jesus , people who have inner beauty , will never be thirsty again . That's not all . He is able to emit " water " flowing from within him to give and satisfy others .
JOHN 4 : 15-18 - " The woman said to HIM : " Lord , give me this water , that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw water . " Jesus said to him, " Go , call to your husband and come here . " The woman said : " I have no husband . " Jesus
said to him : " Just say , that you have no husband , for you have had
five husbands , and that there is now to you , not your husband . In
this you have said truly . "
Jesus asked the woman to call her husband in response to his request for the water of life . Jesus' response seems irrelevant . Period for water only had to call her husband ? Jesus is not looking for , nor want to embarrass him . HE actually wanted to reveal the location of her failure : failure in the home . Jesus knew his past , the problem . And surely Jesus also knew what kind of future will be lived her if he received from the living water of Jesus .
Answer her husband that she had not actually lie . That is why , Jesus responded with , " Just say ... " However, he expressed the fact that half of it . In my opinion , she was not a prostitute . I 'd agree with those who fail to call in the menage . He has been married five times , and five of them ended in failure . And men who lived with him when it was his partner without marriage . In
the NIV translation of the Bible , verse 18 describes the status of the
Samaritan woman , " The fact is , you have had five husbands , and the
man you now have is not your husband ... "
John 4 : 21-23 , the next step that needs to be done is the Samaritan
woman believed in Jesus , and worship Him in the right way . Because verse 23 explains that there are true worshipers , meaning there are worshipers who are not true . By
believing and worshiping Jesus in the right way , the emotional wounds
will be healed , and then comes the beauty of his heart .
4 : 25-26 - " The woman saith unto HIM : " I know that Messiah is
coming , who is called Christ : when he comes, he will proclaim all
things to us . " Jesus said to him : " I was the one DIA , who am speaking to you . "
of the woman in verse 25 shows , before he had met Jesus in person , so
he does not recognize that it was Jesus himself encountered . Therefore, though had already heard about the MESSIAH , the woman still has bitterness careful because not know Jesus . JESUS
HIMSELF words that introduce personally , " I was the one DIA (
MESSIAH ) who am speaking to you " that's what she changed .
Get to know Jesus personally made her instantly changed as we have learned in the first part . He became personal words heard, respected , and followed by all listeners .
His words are just a few words that many people are able to bring repentance . The woman was not reported again the next life , if she married again or not . But clearly , he's no longer hungry for happiness . Jesus' heart is satisfied .
Jesus has satisfied heart will be able to satisfy the other person , love , and change things . Like her, we would be able to change the behavior of wayward children , valued partners and the people around us . All of that can happen if we have inner beauty , Amen .
Bless the LORD JESUS .
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