LUKE 2 : 11-12 - "Today has been born for you a Savior, which is Christ , the Lord , in the city of David . And this is the sign to you : You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger . "
not feel we will soon enter the month in which the Lord Jesus Christ
the Redeemer of Man was born , Christmas means personally for every
Christian is the birth of Jesus Christ in his life .
People who receive salvation are those who ask Jesus Christ was born on in his life , was converted in his life . Date of birth of Jesus Christ in the life of every Christian is different ; Christmas date it is personally for each person . Without the birth of Jesus Christ in his life , as a Christian confession is useless .
When a newborn in our lives , Jesus Christ is still " lying " , not working in our lives . The more dominant is our personal . LORD JESUS CHRIST is merely " lying " in the ID card that includes religion : Christianity . Christian conduct that JESUS CHRIST is " lying " in his life is also still tinged with lust . For
instance during a fight between husband and wife , sometimes like a
roll call for different types of animals into Noah's ark , of course,
with loud volume and high notes .
LUKE 2 : 40 , 42 , 46-472:40 And the child grew and became strong , filled with wisdom , and the grace of GOD is HIS .2:42 When Jesus was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem as usual on the day of the feast .2:46
After three days they found Him in the Temple The GOD ; IA , sitting
among the teachers , listening to them and asking them questions .2:47 And all who heard Him were astonished at His intelligence and answers given HIS .
The parent would want their children to experience healthy growth , both physically , intelligence , and other growth . Similarly, Christians should also monitor whether Jesus Christ grow in life . In LUKE 2 : 12 - " And this is the sign to you : You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger . "
JESUS CHRIST is still called " Baby " while in verse 40 is called " Son " , meaning to grow . JESUS CHRIST is getting bigger and his spirit grew robust (strong in spirit ) .
Have Christians monitor whether spiritual growth ?
If last year so faith , if faith grow stronger this year ?
At the age of 12 years , have begun to talk about Jesus Christ in the Word of the teachers . And all the people were astonished , amazed precisely , the intelligence of JESUS CHRIST . JESUS
CHRIST that growth continues in our lives will make us receive
accurate answers to our problems through His wisdom is infinite . His
wisdom it is a mainstay of us so we do not need to rely on analyst
forecasts and economic - political analyst who often misses .
Solomon , the Son of God in the Old Testament , received wisdom like the wisdom of Jesus Christ . Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of the people of the east . 1
Kings 4 : 29-30 - " And GOD gave Solomon wisdom and very great
understanding , as well as a broad sense as the sand on the seashore ,
so that Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the
east and all the wisdom of the Egyptians . "
When the people who are considered wisest people of the East ; compare with the wise men from the East . Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of the Egyptians also ( picture of the world ) . Ironically , many Christians are easily tricked and deceived the world .
LUKE 2 : 52 - " And Jesus increased in wisdom and growing large - HIS and HIS , and in favor with GOD and man . "
on Luke 2 : 12 , 40 LORD JESUS HIS name has not been mentioned ,
after the Lord Jesus grew large , His name began to be called . Meaning , Personal Jesus Christ began to appear in our lives . Christians
do not need to be overacting show their Christianity , for example by
praying out loud in the restaurant and at length , continuous slip the
words " Shalom " , " Hallelujah " . With the growth of JESUS CHRIST in our lives , private LORD JESUS by itself dominant in our lives . This is what will be seen by other people around us .
Another feature of the growth of Jesus Christ in our lives is that we will increasingly favor with GOD and man . Many people who are trying to get you in the wrong way . For example , to beg in the fake love karaoke and massage parlors . Christians need to change the paradigm . Not targeting the people around him loved him ; supposed target is to grow in Jesus Christ in his life . So naturally he will be in favor with the family and the environment , especially by GOD .
3 : 23 - " When Jesus began the work of HIS , IA was about thirty years
old and supposed , IA the son of Joseph , the son of Eli . "
At the age of 30 years , the Lord Jesus begin His ministry . According to the current standards of the people of Israel , 30 years of age is the age of full adult . Proof
JESUS CHRIST full adult in our lives is the DIA 's work in our lives ,
and the " I " or ego is hidden in Christ , only Jesus Christ who appear
in our lives . Prominence
of the Lord Jesus in our lives will look to others without the need to
wear the typical attributes of Christianity , for example, using a cross
necklace or put a cross on the wall of the house . For me personally , outside or physical attributes is not important , visible from my house is not decorated cross . Which is more important to me is the attribute in my life : the real work of Christ in my life .
LUKE 4 : 14-15 - " Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee . And the news about Him throughout the region . While the IA teaching in the synagogues there and everyone praised Him . "
Once full grown LORD JESUS , HE is in the power of the Spirit . Compare
the time at the age of 12 years , the Lord Jesus is still under the
supervision of Joseph and Mary , still wanted by Joseph and Mary to be
invited to return to Nazareth . JESUS CHRIST meaning that a full adult in every step of our life is in our lives in the guidance of the Holy Spirit .
Before returning to Galilee in the power of the Spirit , the Lord Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness . And JESUS CHRIST victorious over all temptation . LORD JESUS victory was certainly we also feel if Jesus Christ had a full adult in our lives . Like
Jesus Christ , we not only have the heavenly wisdom to solve any
problems that come up , but in the power of Christ we will be able to
resist all the powers of darkness who often try to interfere with us .
the word got out about the existence of Jesus Christ , people flocked
to the HIS ; LORD JESUS never persuade people to come to HIM . JESUS
CHRIST who are mature fully in the lives of the servants of the Lord
makes the church itself came to the church to enjoy the blessing of the
Lord .
28 : 18-19 - " Jesus came to them and said : " To - KU has been given
all authority in heaven and on earth . Therefore go and make disciples
of all nations , baptizing them in the name of the FATHER and SON and
Growth in the Lord Jesus in our lives who have reached full adult makes us closer to HIM . And
it means we are getting closer to the blessings , security , happiness ,
all the answers to the most complicated problems though . The words of the Lord Jesus as we are not the words carelessly approached . LORD JESUS says " To - KU has been given all authority in heaven and on earth . " LORD JESUS to be in our lives is Jesus Christ who has the power , both in heaven and in earth . If so , what else should we fear in our lives ? All problems will be the tip of the nail just small . Similarly, domestic disputes to a minimum , even very rare . For it is not possible " JESUS " in the fight with the wife " JESUS " in her husband .
Lord Jesus gave the great commission to the spiritually mature
Christians : make others become followers of the Lord , make others
accept the birth of Christ in his life . If JESUS CHRIST full adult in our lives , then we are able to witness and be a witness to the Lord . A servant of the Lord told his wife that he wants to ask her husband who do not know the Lord to come to church . Just as he opened his mouth , " Pa , come on ... " her husband has gone up blood . Where is the fault of Christians who have not been able to testify ? Mistake , because JESUS CHRIST immature in his life . If it is , the hardest person shall be subject to and be able to be brought to its knees to the Lord Jesus .
As a sign of a person being the disciple of the Lord Jesus was baptized . Means the person who invited Jesus Christ was born in her life to be baptized . How to baptism should follow the way of the Lord Jesus was baptized , the immersion in water . Christians are baptized without following the way of Jesus Christ , he has not been baptized the same . Actually, the Lord Jesus does not need to be baptized in the LORD JESUS CHRIST is GOD alone is without sin . Lord Jesus baptized goal to set an example for us all . Christians who do not follow the example of the Lord Jesus has the power JESUS impossible . After
receiving Christian baptism , Father in Heaven will say , " This is my
beloved , to him that I am well pleased " as the Father said to Jesus
shortly after Jesus .
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