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Kamis, 26 Juni 2014

► Barriers views

Luke 24:16 - "But there is something blocking their eyes, so they can not know Him." 

Perhaps because of spending a lot of time in front of the laptop, the eyes can become nearsighted. if the eyes had become nearsighted have to use glasses in order to see objects near or writing. Without the glasses then the view will be blurred. There are times when glasses fogged so if it does not wipe the pandanganpun disturbed. Disorders seen not only as the eyes are having problems, but also when the view is blocked by something. For example, if closed either by hand, handkerchief and so on, or when there are objects that block just opposite the direction of the eye so that the object can no longer be seen. Eyes function best, unobstructed view when we are no longer able to see what is in front though still within sight. 

Unobstructed view can be experienced not only physically on the eyes but we also get to experience it spiritually. Examples like this. We know the Lord is, but we are not able to see the figure of the Lord and His love and goodness correctly. We know the greatness of the power of the Lord is not limited in helping us, but we can not see it as a truth to be believed by faith. We will know His statutes, what is forbidden, but we tolerate it by assuming that the LORD does not see us being completes. We feel reminded of the Lord, but we doubt and assume it was probably just feeling alone. Or we've continued to pray but it seems to ignore the essence of the Lord, there is something blocking the view of our faith so that we too then feel free to live without answers, or feel discouraged, no longer have the spirit and hope. Ironically, the barrier does not always have to be something big. It is very small even if not careful can close our eyes of the LORD. 

A tale of apparitions of Jesus Christ after His death on the cross following describe it. Just three days left of the disciples of Jesus Christ. Three days is a very short time. Take for example, if your relatives or close friends went for three days, you would still not know them when you return? It would be very strange if you forget who they are and suddenly do not know anymore. But that's what happened to the disciples. After three days the Lord Jesus was crucified, when two students at a Jesus Christ was walking towards a village located approximately 11 kilometers from Jerusalem. While busy running them to talk about what happened. At that time they most likely were confused, upset, anxious and may not know what to do, unsteady see what happens. Confusing news about the loss of the Lord Jesus from the dead corpse. Are the bodies LORD JESUS ​​kidnapped or rise as the testimony of several women who met with the news that the angel messenger. They might be getting desperate, disappointed and sad, or even may fear the same fate. Scared, upset, worried, confused, raging all together. 

The Bible records something interesting after that. "When they're having a conversation and exchange ideas, Jesus himself came near them, and walk together with them." Luke 24:15 

JESUS ​​CHRIST suddenly appeared right next to them! Figure that protect them and fill them with the truth of the Kingdom of GOD is near them only a distance of three days. Should they gave a start, cheered and welcomed Jesus Christ with great joy. But it turns out that's not what happened. What happens is that they did not know Jesus Christ. How is it possible? The Bible mentions the reason. "But there is something blocking their eyes, so they can not know Him." Luke 24:16 

The Bible says, there is something blocking their eyes, and it makes them not able to recognize the Lord Jesus. There are thick and dark clouds that covered their eyes so they can not see the Light. They had not even realized when the Lord Jesus had rebuked them and explaining the prophecies written about Him in the prophets. Luke 24:25-27 - "Then he said to them:" O ye fools, how slow your heart, so you can not believe everything that has been said to the prophets! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and enter into His glory ? "Then IA explained to them the things about himself in all the scriptures, from the books of Moses and all the prophets. "

Until there was they still do not know Jesus Christ. It was only when they arrived in the village and the Lord Jesus took bread and broke while berkatlah say they realize that people who walked with them earlier turned out to Jesus Christ. Imagine traveling 11 kilometers in length in their not being aware that the talk about the Lord Jesus that they turn out to be among them. Confusion, doubt, disappointment, sadness, or fear of obstructing them, making them do not recognize Jesus Christ, even though the Lord Jesus was right with them. 

When we struggle with the problems of life, pressure, problems, struggles or burdens, we can experience the same thing as the disciples of Jesus on top. We can no longer hear or recognize the Lord again as we know it in advance. We forget what love and kindness of the Lord, we begin to doubt it all even doubted His existence in our midst. When the road we've been through so many twists and likunya, we were no longer believe that the Lord has provided all good at the end of the road. Then we despair, lose hope, and began to accuse the Lord does not keep promises, instead it could be, we then fall into a range of alternatives that mislead and destroy. Though the error is not in the Lord. The problem is in our view the closed burden of suffering that is too big so they no longer recognize the HIS. Even after hearing the word of the Lord though, the people who focus entirely only to the problems and heavy loads are no longer able to feel anything, because it has already thick cloud over their minds. 

The Lord has promised never to leave us as we read in Joshua 1:5: "... as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not leave you nor forsake you", and the Lord will always His faithful promises. When he says, "Come to Me, all who weary and heavy laden, I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28), it was not going to break HER. 

Is there something that makes you no longer recognize HIS today, blocking your view of the goodness, great love, His power and faithfulness? That could be a problem that does not seem to have an answer, restlessness, anxiety about something, the pain suffered, or may also be a variety of tough meat temptation we resist. All that could be a barrier to the Lord our view. 

Therefore, we must ensure that the correct focus our view of looking forward free of any bulkhead that impede or restrict it. In order to continue to see and know the Lord we must have a clean view of all obstacles obstructing us. Let's get rid of all the gray clouds, and have a clear view of the direction of the Lord and get to know and have faith in all the promises of His return. Negative things can block the view to see the goodness and love of the Lord. 

► Sin as a barrier 

"Ah you're already being called still do not see." As it was my friend said one time when I accidentally met him in the crowd. At that time there were many people passing by and I'm not even see anybody concentration because it does not think will meet with people I know. He said that he had seen me from afar. I walked toward him, but I do not see it. Even when he had started calling and waving my hands still unconscious. Until he comes right in front of me, then I saw it. Eye works, events in bright daylight, but when the view is blocked by many things including due to being out of focus, we can fail to see the real thing is right in front of us. 

Many people are disappointed because they think the Lord to the Lord does not hear them or do not answer their queries when they are in trouble. True, sometimes the problems of our time with the Lord's time it was different. Word of the Lord has declared that: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so high-road ways and designs of KU-KU from rancanganmu." Isaiah 55:9 

The distance between the earth and the sky is very long, it shows us the limitations in knowing the plans of the Lord in our lives. The time that we consider the best is not necessarily the best in the eyes of the Lord. While we must acknowledge that the Lord is certainly the most out of what is best for His human creation. And what is the Lord made ​​everything beautiful in its time as it is written in Ecclesiastes 3:11. Or maybe what we are asking for is something wrong, useless or even potentially damaging to us, it would not have answered the LORD. His Word says: "When you ask, you do not receive anything, because you're wrong to pray, for ye shall ask that you may spend it on your pleasures." (John 4:3). Both may be the cause of yet or not the arrival of the outstretched hand of the Lord to answer our prayers. But there is one thing that should also be cautious, and make sure we're not free entrenched within us, namely SIN. Allowed to continue in sin that we really can hinder or even sever our relationship with the Lord. And if that's the case then we can knock on a lot of issues. 

Sin can hinder the connection of our Lord on His throne of the Most Holy. We must ensure that there is no true evil that we save, there is no sin that we hide in ourselves again. Sin can hinder the relationship between us and the Lord, so that HE did not hear and answer our prayers. It is mentioned in the book of Isaiah. It reads: "Behold, the Lord's hand is not long enough to save, and His hearing not less sharp to hear: but that is a barrier between you and GOD is wicked ways, and that makes Him hide themselves from you, so that IA did not hear, is all your sins. "Isaiah 59:1-2 

The Lord is never too busy or not able to save us. The Lord never did care or indifferent. The Lord is not deaf. Which is often the case, the sins that exist within us and not taken care of, whether we realize it or not turns out to be a barrier to the connection of our Lord. 

There are many people who think that they can hide sin neatly so that could deceive the Lord. It was obvious fallacy, because let us keep it as tidy as any, the Lord will always know and it could be a barrier for us to receive the blessing and salvation of the LORD. 

Solomon said: "He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy. Blessed are those who always fear the LORD, but those who hardens his heart will fall into calamity." Proverbs 28:13-14 

Therefore we must diligently examine ourselves and heart or if it finds that sin still live, with the immediate care of everything. Confess and repent sincerely, and determined not to repeat them. The Lord Jesus warned the same thing anyway. Let's see John 5 about the story of Jesus Christ when visiting a pool called Bethesda and heal the thirty-eight-year illness. After the man was healed, the Lord Jesus told him: "You have been healed; sin no more, lest anything worse happen." (John 5:14). Like any sin, whether big or small should be resolved, so it does not become a recognized barrier between us and the Lord. 

We may feel that we are living entirely true, but remain diligent checking yourself, because there may be barriers that although considered small but apparently blocking our relationship with the Lord. We may already know the Lord, know His personal, but sin can hinder and keep us from HIS and ultimately bring disaster. Do not give the slightest tolerance for sin, because either large or small the sin is still sin that can be prohibitive. 

In Galatians says: "A little leaven leavens the whole lump." (Galatians 5:9). Therefore, always remember the message the LORD JESUS​​: "Therefore see to it that the light in you is not darkness." Matthew 12:35 

Get rid of immediately sins that keep us with the Lord, so that we can remain fully connected with the Lord without any distractions. Sin how its size and any shape or reason sin can still cut our relationship with the Lord, AMEN. 

Bless the LORD JESUS​​.

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