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Kamis, 26 Juni 2014

Free from the bondage of Satan

MARK 5: 1-2 - "Then they came across the lake, in the region of the Gadarenes. Jesus had just got off the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet Him. "

Do not imagine anyone being possessed by a demon is always acting weird and untidy appearance. It may be that such people are not shackled demon, but suffer from a mental disorder.

Lord Jesus with His disciples crossed the Sea of ​​Galilee, and to the region of the Gadarenes which belonged to a non-Jew or gentile. Departing from the LORD JESUS ​​JESUS ​​town (Nazareth) and cross the lake and landed in the area Galiela Gerasa. Jesus picture of the city close to Jesus Christ, and the city of Gerasa picture where demons congregate. While the Sea of ​​Galilee which is a source of drinking water and other purposes, in which the Lord Jesus taught Peter and the other disciples caught fish, a picture in which we make a living.

JESUS ​​CHRIST Just got off the boat in the region of the Gadarenes, LORD JESUS ​​greeted by a man who possessed the power of darkness is like wandering in a cemetery. The situation is in stark contrast occurred on the side opposite the Galilee region of Gerasa. One side of the lake, in the town of Jesus, near the existing teaching of the Word of the Lord Jesus, miracles, and life. While on the same side of the lake, there are people who are possessed by demons, cemeteries, death. The question is, where do we live? On the side of the town or city of Gerasa JESUS​​?

Demon-possessed people see Jesus Christ specifically. Is he just in the city alone Gadarene demon-possessed? No. In principle, all people before getting to know the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST controlled demons. Since Adam and Eve obey the devil persuasion to eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, since that's all the descendants of Adam possessed by a demon. Possessed by a demon means to obey the words of Satan and against the Word of the Lord. Jesus Christ came into the world, setting up safety for people who want to receive salvation. The Lord Jesus never forced people to receive salvation. Salvation is only received by anyone who wants to come to HIM as accepted by the demoniac who would come to see HIM in particular.

MARK 5: 3-5 - "That man lived there and no one else is able to tie it, even with chains, because he had often shackled and chained, but he decided chains and shackles dimusnahkannya, so that no one is strong enough to tame it. Day and night he wandered the tombs and in the hills screaming and hitting him with a stone. "

One characteristic of a person who is possessed by a demon that person can not control himself and also can not be controlled by someone else, because the demons are more powerful than humans. These characteristics are evident from the Gadarene people can not control themselves: wandering the cemetery, shouting and beating him with stones. To try to control it, the people around him tied with chains, but the demons in him deciding the chain with ease.

The most obvious example of a person who is possessed by a demon gamblers, drug addicts. This class can not control himself, other people can not control them. If there are family members who belong to this group, we do not try to subdue the power of darkness that gripped him on our own, because we will not be able to.

Many people are deceived spouse or children who are caught gambling to the bitter end and leave debts. He told his partner or his parents that he will repent, and stop gambling. And he asked for money to settle debts due to gambling. Be careful, do not easily believe!!! Generally, the money will be used to gamble again!!! Because he can not control himself. Not only can not control himself to escape, he even maneuver, with expert move to steal the opportunity (and money!) In order to continue to "enjoy" the shackles of the devil.

People who are possessed by demons roam the cemetery and hills. Called "roam" because that person may not equip himself with a map and having plans to visit a place. This illustrates another feature of the person who possessed by a demon, the life without the direction of the goal, not having a plan.

Satan aimed at hurting people, good people who dirasukinya or hurt others through dirasukinya people. This is evident from the demon-possessed man beat him with stones. So, do not be fooled and imagine there is a good and funny demons like Casper. All the demons that torment humans and aims to attract people to go to hell with him.

MARK 5: 6-8 - "When he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and worshiped get HIS HIS, and he loudly shouted," Leave me alone, O JESUS​​, THE SON OF GOD Most High GOD's sake, do not torture me! "Because before Jesus told him: "Hey, you unclean spirit! Out of that man!"

How can I be freed from the bondage of the devil?
Only Jesus Christ can set us free from the bondage of the devil. When he saw Jesus Christ, the demoniac at Gerasa it ran to meet and worship the Lord Jesus. Who told or taught him? Himself, his own conscience. In Gerasa, many people are possessed by demons other than the man. But that is recorded in the Gospels only those that are released. Important factors that make it receives deliverance from the bondage of Satan is to his consciousness would be released by JESUS ​​CHRIST. So, if she does not want released, either from bond gambling, drugs, and other ties that demon, the Lord would not let go. The Lord certainly could, but the Lord never forced. Pray also useless if the person is still willing to "enjoy" the bondage of the devil.

In verse 6 the demoniac fell down to worship the Lord Jesus, but in verse 7 he shouted angrily to JESUS ​​CHRIST. Apparently, the man was not consistent. As it turned out, it was Satan angry and use that person for spitting anger to Jesus Christ. Satan can demo shows the ability to master human. But, if that person would be released LORD JESUS​​, JESUS ​​he will be released.

With the reckless, devil challenged the Lord Jesus, "What have MU with me?" So do not be surprised if people are possessed by a demon with a bold challenge others. Though the devil is actually afraid of JESUS ​​CHRIST because he then says that the Lord Jesus did not torture her. It is able to punish and torture are merely the Lord GOD. Satan can work on dashing man. But, if GOD "His fingers flicked" just, Satan surely destroyed. Surprisingly, a lot of people asking for help to the paranormal to be released from the devil. It looks off, but then the demons that still retained control of the person will be back in action, the action may even be worse than the one before.

Fierce resistance in the form of bursts of anger words performed by Jesus Christ expelled demons. LORD JESUS ​​be resisted, especially when the man who cast out demons. I do not scare, but we do not pretentious able to cast out demons. Need an unwavering faith in preparation so that we do not like the ball is kicked to and fro without mercy by "teams" devil.

ROME 7: 19-20 - "For not what I want, which is good, which I do, but what I do not want, that is evil, I do. So what if I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin which dwells in me. "

With honest and humble Paul admits in the paragraph above that before becoming an apostle, Paul was not able to do good, aka invaded by Satan. Of course Paul's appearance was not like naked people wandering in Gadarene graveyard shouting. Not all who were oppressed by demons act and look like a man in the Gadarenes. For those who may be naked in the street with a disheveled appearance are people affected by mental disorders. People who are possessed by a demon could only look dapper. Evidently Paul was a member of respectable society, highly educated, even he is the scribe?!!

Without the power of the Lord, Paul was possessed by a demon that can not master himself to do good according to the Word. Which makes him able to do well in accordance with his wishes is sin which dwells within him. The word "sin" means that the devil; it was Satan who made ​​the Fall.

ROME 7: 24-25 - "wretched man I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to GOD! by Jesus Christ, our Lord. "

Paul calls himself a wretched man; before knowing Jesus Christ, we are also human woe. Therefore, we want to do good, but could not. Satan binds us makes us do the opposite. Who can deliver us from the body which brings us to sin, which leads us to the body of death? Only the Lord Jesus Christ. Condition, we will come to Jesus to be released from the shackles of the devil.

MARK 5: 9-12 - "Then he asked the man," What is your name? "He replied: "My name is Legion, for we are many." He pleaded with Jesus that do not cast out the spirits that come out of that area. Is there on the hillside a large number of pigs was feeding, and the spirits begged HIM, he said: "Send us into the swine, let us enter!"

Before Jesus Christ casting out demons, the Lord Jesus who asked his name. The name of the demon Legion because numerous. Polynomial, deceive humans in many ways too. While the Lord is one, one. Lord Jesus to save mankind in one way: to die for us so that we receive eternal life.

Satan appealed to Jesus Christ so as not to cast out the evil spirits out of the area Gerasa. Satan has an area, it means have limits. No matter how wide an area, the area certainly has its limits. In contrast to the LORD; The Lord is omnipresent. Important lesson for us: we do not go into an area that a lot of demons that we do not fall into a slave of sin and Satan. It is therefore important for us to choose to live in the city area of ​​JESUS​​, and avoids "Gerasa area" so we are not affected by the environment because our faith is not as strong as we think. Gerasa is a local pagan, not Jewish quarter. Evidently there are pig farms in Gerasa. The Jews did not want to raise pigs, because pigs including unclean animal according to the law.

The demons were asked to move to the pigs. Satan took the container. He wanted to speak but did not have a mouth that needs a human mouth, but do not want to hit people having hands so wear human hand, wants to deceive people but need a man to make his intentions.

MATTHEW 7: 6 - "Do not give holy things to dogs, and do not you cast your pearls before swine, lest trampled it with his feet, then he turned tore you."

In the language of the Bible, pigs and dogs describe people who do not appreciate the Word or unbelievers. Pigs and dogs trample the holy stuff and precious pearls picture of the Lord's Word. "The pigs" become easy prey for the devil. "Pig" may be people who are labeled "Christian" because not everyone who comes to the church would hear and receive the Word. People who belittle Word or unwilling to accept the Word of warning are "swine trampling pearls". Therefore do not be surprised if we have more Christians "crazy", more evil than those who do not know Jesus Christ, for Christians but reject the Word.

MARK 5: 13-14 - "Jesus gave them permission. Then the evil spirits came out and entered the swine. Pig herd about two thousand in number that falls from the brink into the lake and suffocate in them. Then the herdsmen fled and told it in the city and in the surrounding villages. And the people came to see what was happening. "

When the devil asked for permission to move to the pigs, the Lord Jesus may be banned. Pigs numbering about two thousand head into which the demons are all dead. Spiritual meaning, a lot of people (who reject the Word) died because the devil is not in the Lord Jesus does not want to protect. But, the person himself who does not want to accept salvation, the Word of the Lord even stamped upon them. So, if a demon who possessed drug addicts, gambling addicts, it is not because the Lord does not love that person. People themselves who do not want to be helped; The people trample love and help of the Lord. As a result, he became a prey to the devil.

Event entry of demons that Jesus Christ expelled from the demoniac into pigs pigs witnessed by the guards who then tell it to the people in the town and surrounding villages.

What guards witnessed pigs and the people?
LORD JESUS ​​to release the demon-possessed?
People who have been released from the devil?
The pigs were suffocated in a lake?
It could be their focus only to the pigs that died along with the estimated losses suffered by the owner of the pig.

Important lesson for us: in our worship in church, do not let us out of focus, we only see the "dead pigs" so that we become discouraged and reluctant to serve in the church. The Church is also not free from the "pigs" (the unbelievers, those who reject the Word). Let alone in the church, of the twelve apostles, was infiltrated "a pig" named Judas Iscariot trampling victim CHRIST.

People who saw the events release Gadarene demoniac men by Jesus Christ rather than excited. Instead, they are instead urged to leave the area LORD JESUS ​​Gerasa. Spiritual meaning, sometimes people do not know the high price of the conversion of one person. One soul is worth more than two thousand people repented who reject the Lord Jesus Christ.

MARK 5: 15 - "They came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man sitting, clothed and had sane, man who had been possessed by the legion. And they were afraid. "

People who had possessed it sits. At first, he did not sit down; he wandered into the cemetery and the hills, there is no purpose. Now, he is "sitting", it can mean a focus or concentration. The man called was sane, the translation of the English Bible: in his right mind. So it can be concluded that the person possessed by a demon is the demon that occupied his mind. Therefore, parents should not only indoctrinate children with science course, the important thing is to fill their minds with the Word of the Lord so that the devil does not get a chance to put his throne in the minds of our children. The man has also been dressed, meaning his polite. People will be polite if his mind has been released from the devil and then filled with the mind of Christ.

Changes experienced by a man who had been possessed by demons that make people afraid to see it. They are afraid to see the power of Jesus Christ who easily beat the devil. Servant of the Lord who accompanied the power of the Lord be feared or respected for being able to bring a big change in someone's life. The Church has no need for sensation for people to "sit still" in the church. Therefore, the sensation gradually become stale!!!

Two weeks ago there was a new church to worship the six months to meet the Servant of the Lord. He told the Servant of the Lord that he came to the church because it was invited by a friend who had previously been a member of the church. This young man was not familiar with the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST, even he is the servant of the house of worship at the altar of a different faith. The first time he came, the young man asked her, what the lighting used in the church because he saw the face of the Servant of the Lord shone. Friends of surprised and said that he saw the face of the Servant of the Lord normal, and no special lighting is used. Moreover, this young man said that he saw a large hand guard Servant of the Lord.

Since then, this young man regularly attend church. And he felt the overwhelming urge to come to church. Word of the Servant of the Lord convey not just plausible, but he felt like encouraged to obey the Word of the Lord convey the Servant of the Lord. His friend explained that it was the power of the Holy Spirit prompted him. Lord had heard during the six months indulge. As a result, the total change occurred in his life and now he is ready to receive water baptism. Three months after he was worshiping in the church, he said goodbye to his teacher of the old beliefs. Before he would convey goodbye, the teacher already knows. And she had been frightened by the master that he would die if leaving the old beliefs. Servant of the Lord and then reinforce him that he would not die because of trust in the LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST. Precisely the dead are "pigs" who rejected the Lord.

The big change that brings tremendous joy happen for anyone who wants to come to the Lord Jesus Christ to be released from the bondage of the devil, either by people who had been in the Gadarene demoniac, as well as by the congregation of the LORD in the present, Amen.

Bless the LORD JESUS

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