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Senin, 11 November 2013

Draw Close To GOD

James 4 : 8a - " Draw near to GOD , and He will draw near to you . "
Many people tend to stay away from the Lord when committing a crime / sin either intentionally or unintentionally . This may indeed instincts / human nature . Examples in everyday life , when we are wronged someone , we certainly do not want to see , as much as possible to avoid embarrassment , fear . And because a small problem , maybe that was once best friends , so reluctant to meet , eventually breakup .
We had the Lord so often , we tend to shy away from the Lord when you feel guilty . Often we feel unworthy , ashamed , afraid to approach God , even perhaps even thought it seems useless to come to church . Life does not change , then just come back to church and serve the Lord when life is getting better , it's worth it .
Thus the mind is wrong and the devil really hope we think like that. Being a devil desires if we move away from God because when we are away from the Lord , the devil can enter and destroy our lives . When the Son of God fall into sin , began to feel guilty , slack of worship , retreat from the Lord , began to stop reading the word , it could destroy the devil there our lives with total .
Therefore, do not ever leave the Lord because we think are not worthy . In fact , people once far from God , will continue to grow further , increasing destroyed and completely abandoned the Lord . The human condition in sin . Psalm 22 was written King David who lived many years before the events of the Lord Jesus was crucified . David was inspired by the Holy Spirit , wrote with great detail the events when Jesus Christ was crucified on Golgotha ​​.
Experts agree that the whole Bible interpreters of this article is the words of Jesus Christ when on the cross . HOLY SPIRIT is SPIRIT extraordinary in the lives of believers . If we are filled with the Holy Spirit , is close to the Holy Spirit , the Holy Spirit was able to tell the secrets of life that we have not experienced .
Psalm 22 : 2-3 - "My God , my God, why hast thou forsaken me ? I cried , but YOU still far away and not help me . My God , I cry by day , but YOU did not answer , and by night , but I also do not calm . " Are the words the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross . JESUS ​​bore the sins of the world .
If our relationship with GOD far as said Isaiah 59 : 2 - " But that is a barrier between you and GOD is all evil , and that makes HIM hide themselves from you , so that IA did not hear , is all your sins . "
Likewise experienced by Adam in the Garden of Eden . When Adam fell into sin , GOD could not relate to Adam so that should come out of the garden of Eden . Not GOD because GOD hates us but can not get close to sin so that no separation between us and GOD when we sin .
So there is one without conscious thought in us that when we sin , GOD does not want to meet us and ignored us . This is wrong ! ! ! GOD so loved us , but could not come to us . The human condition in sin like a caterpillar , helpless , useless , can only rely on HIS FATHER . As it is written in Job 25 : 4-6 - "How does one properly in the presence of GOD , and how those born of women that clean ? Indeed , even the moon is not bright and the stars were not bright in His eyes . Even more human , which is worms , son of man , that is a worm ! "
Thus we kadaaan sinners in the eyes of the LORD , all the same , nothing is more valuable / more pleased . In the eyes of the Lord like a caterpillar , it is useless , helpless . But we need to be aware , we as human beings will not be able to fight with his own strength against sin , against our own weaknesses .
We need the Lord . We can only win over sin / bad habits if the Lord help us . Isaiah 41 : 14-15 - " Do not be afraid , O worm Jacob , O Israel worm ! I was the one who helps you , declares the Lord , and redeemed you are the Holy One of Israel GOD . Behold , I make thee a sharp threshing board and new , with a two- row teeth ; thou shalt thresh the mountains and crush , and the hills will build for like chaff . "
What we must do as a flawed human sin is not trying to be a good / holy , but closer to GOD , and GOD will draw near to us . How to draw close to GOD while we are full of sin and GOD can not get close to us ? Psalm 22 : 4 - " And Thou art the Holy One who dwells in the praises of Israel . " This is how our solutions closer to GOD .
Back when Israel came out of Egypt , why GOD would dwell in their midst when they are also sinners . Because there is praise and worship . GOD would be present in their midst , sinners because God dwells in the praises . The key is to praise and worship . When the church praise and worship the Lord , GOD is present . When we come to church and do not really praise the Lord, the Lord is not present .
Praise is like making a throne for the Lord , where there is worship pleasing to God , the Lord is present in the midst of His people . When we come to praise , sing , play music , we all are providing a place so that the Lord can be present . If we managed to build the see the Lord and the Lord is pleased to present at the throne , we do not worship in vain . Any problems , the struggle will be solved when the Lord comes . If we are not careful in worshiping one , just lip service , we failed to establish the throne of God and of our worship vain .
It is therefore very important praise and worship . As much as possible we try to present before worship started because we both want to build a throne . Importantly , at praise worship the Lord is present , the word is preached and we will feel His touch . Why is there does not seem to come and go home for nothing , perhaps because of the presence of GOD does not exist .
Let's start fighting for praise worship the Lord in earnest .
When we come to one accord agreed the house, prepare the heart before worship , praise worship earnest , the Lord is present in our midst .
It's the only access we draw closer to the Lord . Maybe we do not have much time , but let's keep praising the Lord worshiped in churches, at the office or wherever we are .
After worshiping the Lord , the Lord is close to us , then we can cleanse ourselves of sin . James 4 : 8b - " cleanse your hands , ye sinners ! and purify your hearts, you double-minded ! "
However our commitment against sin , we can not afford , only God can help . But of course with the process , not when we worship immediately changed . There are times when we fall again in weakness , but still close. Change is needed , and if we allow the Lord's help , we will go to the Lord in the process ( maybe our ups and downs , no advice , punch , reprimand ) . Login LORD process like being in a cocoon , and one day we will be a beautiful butterfly in the eyes of the Lord , AMEN .

Bless the LORD JESUS ​​.

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